Thursday, August 16, 2018

This Quote Is As Relevant As It Gets For This Fuck Show

They want to tell you something is serious and has been for a long time. But their actions are not serious. They play games with those they fuck and are in relationships with. They act like there is a war, but are cowards about it. They add fucked up reality shows on top of something they claim is a war, but is a playground of crazy making. While they enjoy their life and I live in HELL!

I don't give a fuck if this country goes to shit after what you did to my life. You are all out of your minds to think, this is acceptable for my life anymore. You sure as fuck could never force people to do anything, let alone understand. All you enjoying your life are the one's destroying America. Negligence is wicked ass evil. Fucking over it. This is fucking ludicrous!