Friday, August 17, 2018

I Am A Trader, Not A Warrior, Slave, Or Sacrificial Animal

Trader Principle

"The trader and the warrior have been fundamental antagonists throughout history. Trade does not flourish on battlefields, factories do not produce under bombardments, profits do not grow on rubble. Capitalism is a society of traders - for which it has been denounced by every would be gunman who regards trade as "selfish" and conquests as "noble.""

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Trader Principle

But also understand traders have a right in their self-defense to stand up to warriors who are on a rampage for conquests. After what Iranians did to my family and world, I would have no problem blowing their country Iran, to pieces. It would give me great joy and pleasure to obliterate it! I say that knowing there are good Iranians who hate this evil I am talking about also, but the bad evil Iranians make me want to destroy Iran, after this hell of hell.