Monday, August 20, 2018

Not In The Movie 'I'm A Stupid, Negligent, Lying, Coward'

""Sacrifice" is the surrender of a greater value for the sake of a lesser one or of a non-value. Thus, altruism gauges a man's virtue by the degree to which he surrenders, renounces or betrays his values (since help to a stranger or an enemy is regarded as more virtuous, less "selfish," than help to those one loves). The rational principle of conduct is the exact opposite: always act in accordance with the  hierarchy of your values, and never sacrifice a greater value to a lesser one.

This applies to all choices, including one's actions toward other men. It requires that one posses a defined hierarchy of rational values (values chosen and validated by a rational standard). Without such a hierarchy, neither rational conduct nor considered value judgments nor moral choices are possible.

"Sacrifice" does not mean the rejection of the worthless, but of the precious. "Sacrifice" does not mean the rejection of the evil for the sake of the good, but of the good for the sake of the evil. "Sacrifice" is the surrender of that which you value in favor of that which you don't.

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Sacrifice

I promise the world and all individuals I have ONLY been out here for my personal justice. Trust me I am not living in HELL for anyone, nor have I ever been. ESPECIALLY in the year 2018 after blatant, grotesque lies. I am NOT the American who should be living in hell today!

Each individual in this fuck show, has the choice to assume I am living in hell for you, but that is not my reality. I have been screaming since 2005, the shit has been going on since 1979, it is 2018! ALL I am and have been doing is seeking personal justice, for my situation. 

I will continue to do so, with the possibility of taking justice into my own hands. But I will never force any individual to understand 'Traders' operate by the principle of 'Trade.' Traders don't become fodder for the stupid, negligent, incompetent liars of the world who use others as slaves.

Everyday, all day individuals I would never trust, respect or want shit to do with, truly believe they are relevant to my life. You are so stupid, you would never understand you are not relevant to my life. You live in a gross delusion, we are in some bizarre relationship and I give a fuck about you

I don't give a fuck about you, nor shall I ever give a fuck about you!

The 'Good' have allowed controllers, manipulators and the destroyers of the world, to use force against them. Allowing evil to twist shit round and round, in a grand fuck show. Evil who are not the kind of individuals to play games with, but you chose to, not me.

Instead these evil individuals should be told there is a war with them. And with utmost conviction fight the war with all might, power, and resources. Otherwise you are a negligent coward who has no right solving problems with invaders, terrorists, gang bangers, the like. . . .

Trust me I am not living in hell in the year 2018 for anyone. I mean that with utter conviction. Nor have I ever been, but especially in the year 2018. It will never register in your minds, but it is a fact of mine. I am a trader who lives, by trade, not a child, sacrificial animal, nor slave. 

I'm so over being followed around by everyone. It is only making the entire show as fucked up as it could be. I'm not living for you in any manner. Many think they are doing something for me? But they are ONLY doing something for them, their worlds, situations. Don't confuse the two!

Keep thinking 'I CARE' about anything, while living in hell.

My life is the ONLY thing I care about, and will be the only thing I ever care about after this fuck show. You will never make me care about fucking shit after what happened here. Come tell me what I should care about and see how the fuck it works out for your fuck. See if 'I CARE'!

Individuals thinking I have been living in hell on the streets for over 15 years, thinking I really want a relationship and to go directly into a relationship, I want to KILL for that. I have not had any form of a single normal life or privacy, and that idea makes me angry as fuck and want to KILL!

Especially the way this shit went fucking down. Especially when people think they could convince me they did this for me, while I live in hell and they enjoyed life. I would never buy it for a second, not one. I have been out here for ONLY one reason my single normal life., privacy and justice.

But I don't control anyone else's mind, actions, choices, decisions, . . .

Unfortunately the way this show went down, it is so easy for me to accuse everyone and anyone for the crazy. Because I don't trust anyone. I am so physically ill from this. From the entirety of it. It makes me want to vomit, do things I would normally not do. 

It is one thing to do things for your life out of self-defense and protection, but totally another to say while you were doing that, it was all for someone else. That is wrong! Or to do things to get things straight and clean them up, but not saying you are doing it for someone else. 

While you are doing this, if you did understand the 'Trader Principle' you would know it is not in your benefit, or anyone else's to use them like a sacrificial animal. It's one thing to think you are using someone, another for the person to know you are not using them. They did not consent.

I can't watch what is going on in the world or country, because evil is being allowed to go on rampage after rampage, and I have no control over that. I am not running shows. I don't care. But trust me I will NEVER agree to how this was handled, ever! That is a fact.

I control ONLY my life, choices, decisions and I promise you I am not a sacrificial animal in any manner, for anyone, or any purpose. That is a fact. Not going to sit here and watch the evil I have been talking about destroy the country, for whatever reason, that is on you. Not me!

It is bizarre to think the evil would do anything but be evil, that is the stupidest thinking you could have with evil, and to think one day you might take actions. Maybe the evil will get you before then by being stupid, negligent, cowardly and incompetent. Being stupid with evil, is stupid