Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Alireza Fatemi
I Told You To Get Out
Of My Life In 2005
This is a Threat

I only control my life and I have never been out here living for one other person, not one. But there sure are many people that think I am. I am not! I am an egoist in the absolute sense. I know why I have been out here living in utter hell. Not for love. 

If Americans want to let you destroy them, pummel them, take over their businesses, their cities, their states and country, . . . that is their choice. I don't! Been fighting you for a long time and you shall never have the opportunity to tell me shit, I hate you!

Alireza Fatemi and gang have been given a free slate to go on rampage after rampage. What this does to an evil individuals mind is make them as brazen as they get, thinking what they are doing is right, not wrong with the twisted version of it being wrong, but they did not do it.

They initiated the right actions that were really wrong, and now shall blame the English Royal family for the wrong of their right actions. The actions were right in the fight to advance Islam, but wrong for those they initiated them against because they want to set up the English Royal family.

All their actions are for the advancement of Islam, in the disguise of setting up all those they are destroying and using to set up for the destruction, all in the name of Islam. It is all for Islam, while blaming others in the greatest fuck show on earth.

A perverted demolition show of destroying America, Americans, England, . . . all in the name of Islam but setting up Americans for destroying Americans, that they want destroyed. They want to destroy America and England using their citizens to accomplish the goal. All in the name of Islam!