Tuesday, January 31, 2017

NO Greater Insanity Then Alireza Fatemi's FUCK SHOW

"I'm tired of all the crocodile tears about the kids - the poor kids coming,
a significant portion of the Syrian refugees were not women and children,
but grown men of fighting age
who should be back in their homeland trying to save their country."

- Sheriff David Clarke

Exactly Sheriff David Clarke! I am a grown American woman who has been living on the streets, or in my car for most of the past 17 years. Why? Because entitled Islamic men. But more importantly these entitled Islamic men have been wrecking havoc on my life, since 1979 behind my back. I have been fighting for my life as an American woman on the streets, by myself because Alireza Fatemi pitted everyone against me. I have not seen my niece and nephew in over 11 years. Alireza Fatemi remember when you or your gang members wrote REAPER on my moms garage door? That was after my divorce, when I basically lost everything, even my business? Remember that? Or how about when I was poisoned? Remember that?

The HATE my mom had for me, because of Alireza Fatemi was a deep seated hate she carried with her on her death bed and until the day she died. I never was in a relationship with this man, when the hate started. I have never been in any kind of intimate relationship with this man, it was just a one sided event all about his control, aggressiveness and dominance. Alireza Fatemi threatened my father to threaten me to forgive him, even though I had not seen him in over ten years. I never introduced Alireza Fatemi to my mom, dad, or anyone. I never met one person, Alireza Fatemi knew.

Is this giving you a picture of the kind of pure cold blooded evil aggressive, violent, entitled Islamic man and gang I have been dealing with on the streets. There is much more to this story of violent abuse, crazy making, destruction, hacking, insanity, profiling, stalking, terrorizing and torture. Glad we have one of your gang members sitting next to me on computer 53 at the library at a little after 11am in the morning on Tuesday Jan. 31, 2017 Fatemi. Trust me he heard that I am the wrong dangerous bitch to fuck with. I don't give a fuck if I die Fatemi, not after your HELL! The never ending FUCK SHOW of Alireza Fatemi and his gang of second handers.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

I Did NOT Ask To Be Born, Abused, Used & Tortured

Alireza Fatemi is violently abusive and a pure cold blooded evil criminal/terrorist who belongs in prison along with many others in his gang. This is what I fight for and DEMAND. Alireza Fatemi has pitted my country against me in one of the greatest FUCK SHOWS ever! He is an Islamic muslim terrorist in America, waging a war with the tactics of divide and conquer.

This is a warning to All especially professional athletes, actors, musicians, CEO's, business owners beware. Understand that in Islam the Arabs still believe in slavery and believe they are the TRUE muslim. They use everyone for their agenda. If you are a black muslim they will USE you. They use the weak and vulnerable in their mission of dismantling, destruction and death.

Fatemi's tactics span many areas. This is an orchestrated, methodical and deliberate WAR. I have been surviving it, observing it, witnessing it for 38 years. It was in 2004 when I realized what was going on and had been going on behind the scenes. I have been around Fatemi to know his TRUE character, aggressiveness, behavior, domineering personality, secrecy and know he LIES!

"We and all others who believe in freedom as deeply as we do,
would rather die on our feet than live on our  knees." - FDR

Living on the streets, dealing with being gas-lighted by Fatemi's gang members everyday, terrible sleep patterns and deprivation, no privacy, bad eating habits, exhaustion,... hinders a mind immensely. It wrecks havoc on the mind, its clarity, discernment, active thinking process.... Especially when there is NO rational communication and one word heard can trigger you.

I know the importance of my mind, and know many trust those that don't use their mind actively. This is not the kind of situation you want to rely on, non-thinkers, mystical thinkers, magical thinkers. You need REAL thinkers who use reason and rationality to solve REAL problems. You also need minds that understand criminals/terrorists, how they operate and execute actions.

I did not ask to be born, but I was. Many days I wish my mother would have aborted me, because the abuse, destruction, hell and torture has been insane. Thank goodness I made the choice of abortion when I did, because those babies would have endured the same hell as me. If you use, abuse and torture me, I promise I don't back down from the JUSTICE I deserve and DEMAND!

"The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding,
because to understand is to be free." - Espinoza

Friday, January 27, 2017

Don't Feed The Narcissist & Second Handers

I cannot control what other people do, or the choices and decisions they make. I am not a mind reader, a psychic, or a believer in a magical reality. My discernment for proper behavior has gone out the door, because the predator in my life and his gang are continually being feed, rewarded and admired. I have scorn and spite for the predator Alireza Fatemi and his gang, who initiated force directly and indirectly upon my life some 38 years ago.

There has been and is nothing productive about Alireza Fatemi and his gang. All I have been doing is surviving his HELL! He and his gang are the second handers of the world. A brief description of a second hander: "They have no concern for facts, ideas, work. They’re concerned only with people. They don’t ask: “Is this true?” They ask: “Is this what others think is true?” Not to judge, but to repeat. Not to do, but to give the impression of doing. Not creation, but show..." continue reading about second handers @: Ayn Rand.org

If you want to continue feeding, worshiping and rewarding Fatemi I must tell you this. I will bring chaos, insanity and a nightmare of the same hell I have been given, into your world. Do NOT under estimate what I just said. My workouts are over, the only thing I will be working out since people think this should still be going on, is my dangerous bitch character. The time has come when enough is enough and that is what time it is for me, regarding the Fatemi FUCK SHOW!

The sign below is made and ready to fly and I don't give a 'Rats Ass' if muslims or anyone is offended by it. I hope they are, because I am offended that an Islamic muslim terrorist and his gang get to continue the fuck show on my life. I am offended that wealthy Islamic muslims get to terrorize American women. I am offended that Islamic muslims are entitled, above the law and don't have to be accountable for their evil actions, upon other lives.  I am offended that Alireza Fatemi and his Islamic terrorist gang are held up on a pedestal, as great individuals of the world.

I have started with radically profane rhetoric, not sure what it is going to take. I am not going to drink or do drugs to numb my outrage! I am not going to use anyone to numb my outrage! I am not going to break anything to numb my outrage! I am not going to steal to numb my outrage! 38 years of Alireza Fatemi's Islamic muslim terrorist HELL! I don't care if I die, and I don't care what ANYONE thinks of me, after this Islamic FUCK SHOW! See you out there with the sign below.

38yrs Of

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Things I Stood For At The Women's March

1. The Smallest Minority on Earth the Individual 

Rights don't come from your culture or religion, they are a specific concept: that of man qua man. Culture(s) and religion(s) are NOT rights, they ARE beliefs. Rights don't harm, beliefs do! For thousands of years minds have been ingrained and controlled by certain concepts, ideas and practices that claim to be beneficial to life (especially females), when in REALITY they are destructive, detrimental and a death sentence to life. ALL about male entitlement and control!

2. Girls Not Brides and Child Marriage is Legal Rape

Child marriage is legal in every state in America and countries around the world. Pro-lifers is this the sacredness we bring girls into the world for? Marrying young girls to old men who abuse them everyday of their life? I am an adult dealing with these kind of entitled men. I know what these girls endure. Abuse, hell, torture and are usually discarded for another girl, without being able to get a divorce, because they have no money. Entitled men and appeasers breed this kind of hell.

3. Female Genital Mutilation

Here is the definition of Mutilation:
  1. the action of mutilating or being mutilated.

    "a culture which found any mutilation of the body abhorrent"
    • the infliction of serious damage on something.

Mutilation is not sacred? Mutilation is a belief and infringes upon the rights of those it is performed on. It is the year 2017, many continue to adhere to books or cultures of the distant past. The purpose of those that want to continue this, is all about CONTROL, disempowerment, obedience, purity, male entitlement, nothing about RIGHTS! Eradicate Female Genital Mutilation!

4. Honor Violence Is Abuse

I have personal experience with this Horror and it is the Horror of HELL!

"What is Honor Violence?
Honor violence is an often-overlooked form of abuse that shames, hurts or kills thousands of women and girls in the US each year and puts millions more at risk. Honor violence is typically seen in the form of physical or emotional abuse, sexual assault, rape or kidnapping - but it also includes female genital mutilation..." Read entire article @: The AHA Foundation

Culture and Religion is NO Excuse for ABUSE!

5. Saudi Women Want Rights

I have first hand experience of the abuse, destruction, hell, terrorizing, and torture females living under the religion of Islam, endure. I am an American woman, not a Muslim, not religious. I did not vote for Hillary because here campaign took 20% of its donations from Saudi Arabia, running of a women's rights agenda! To me that betrayed my individual rights and those in Saudi Arabia who can barely, if at all speak out for their rights, for fear of death, lashes, imprisonment.

I know there are Muslim women who don't want their rights, that is your choice, I speak out for the ones that do. When minds and lives have been controlled by repeat messages, slogans, propaganda, ideology they are being automatically oppressed and suppressed. It takes an active mind to understand there is a different way of life, then that of CONTROL. Technology and social media are assets in standing up and speaking out for Individual Rights and Freedom for ALL.   

C.A.I.R. Sharia, Segregation, Guardianship Are NOT RIGHTS
Saudi Women DEMAND Their RIGHTS

6. No Man Owns Me


It is the year 2017 I have changed my views and opinions on many things, due to extreme abuse and torture. Dealing with entitled, controlling, evil men who think you are their property gave me a big slap. Trust me I am NOT, was NOT or would ever be the woman to ABUSE and TORTURE! I don't adhere to mercy, I DEMAND JUSTICE! I am not out here to teach lessons, I am out here to lay down the LAW, to those who believe they are above it! Do you HEAR me Alieza Fatemi? Believe me Alireza Fatemi and your gang you are in for the greatest BITCH-SLAP of your lives.

I AM a DANGEROUS Person When You Abuse Me!

7. My Mind, Body, Life, Choices, Rights


If all leaders around the world adhered to the values of Individual Rights, Freedom and the Trader Principle the above atrocities and many others would not exist or only in limited amounts. Yes it is not reality to think you could eradicate all abuse, torture and evil, but it does not take a rocket scientist to understand why much of it occurs. It occurs because of those that like to control or be controlled, ancient and bizarre beliefs, male entitlement, cultures, religions.......

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Bitch-Craft The Art of Pissing People OFF...

I did not make enemies, enemies have been wrecking havoc on my life behind my back. I did not initiate force directly or indirectly, I am standing up to those who did against me and my life. They know exactly who they are and what they have been doing to my life. The main enemy who created this fuck show on my life is Alireza Fatemi. I am here letting him and all involved know, that I am diligently becoming an expert at Bitch-craft!

When you deal with liars, criminals, terrorists and the evil minded they operate on a different playing field. They do not think, or act like most. These characters truly believe, their lies are truth, they are the law and above the law. You must think like they do, in order to catch them at their trade. Being nice and ignoring these characters is NOT wise. Provoking them is key because that is when they make mistakes.

My last post I used some harsh derogatory words. I am ok with those words, if you are not let me give you a good dose of Alireza Fatemi and his gangs Islamic muslim terrorist HELL! If you don't like what I say, or me personally that is ok, I am not out here in popularity contest. I don't care if everyone hates me, I know the TRUTH and that is ALL THAT MATTERS, THE TRUTH!

I Don't Need To Prove Myself To Anyone

I mean the above quote with conviction! What I have to say to Alireza Fatemi the Islamic Muslim terrorist who has been abusing, destroying, hacking, profiling, preying, stalking, terrorizing and torturing me behind my back for the past 38 years. "This is my life, I own my life, no one tells me what to do after this fuck show, life of hell and torture. Believe me I would rather be dead then ever live another day, at this point and time." Insanity does not get anymore insane.

It is more then obvious, Alireza Fatemi is a serial liar, with a lot of money who can buy his way out of deception. But he cannot buy me! I know the REAL Alireza Fatemi and he is not a good person! What he is, is an abuser, bamboozler, con-artist, fraud, predator, scammer, terrorist and torturer... Much to cover up wrecking havoc on someone's life behind their back for 38 years.

I find it amazing that individuals or groups can abuse, destroy, prey upon, terrorize and torture others, but when the victim stands up to them, speaks out about them and uses swear words they are the ones reprimanded. What a twisted way of thinking, that is to me. These people are called APPEASERS who reward the abusers and punish the abused.

Everyday there is NOT a sufficient supply of swear words after this Islamic sandnigger muslim fuck show. You don't like the word sandnigger, I don't like being abused, destroyed, preyed upon, stalked, terrorized and tortured every single mother fucking day. Until that ends you will hear ugly fucking words out of my mouth. Do you fucking get me. I am the most dangerously evil wicked savage bitch a sandnigger Islamic muslim ever in his life wanted to fuck up. Believe me at this point and time I would rather be DEAD!

I made personal choices that I am accountable for. After such 'crazy making and living' if I don't get my justice, I would rather be dead. This country and world can enjoy every second of this sandnigger muslims Islamic fuck show. Because believe me that is all Alireza Fatemi dishes out to anyone and everyone, Islamic Muslim fucking HELL and nothing but HELL! The truth hurts and there are many that are truly delusional about this fuck, I AM NOT - I KNOW THE TRUTH!

I Am A Dangerous Bitch after a life of HELL!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

In Ancient Rome, Men Found Guilty of Rape Had Their......

STOP Labeling Predators Mentally Ill- They Are Terrorists

It irks me to no end that we have used the label mental illness, like candy. It has given criminals, terrorists and evil individuals a way out of being accountable for their actions. This needs to END!

No One EVER Avoided A Rape By Wearing.........

I AM Defending Myself - Because I KNOW I AM Right!

This describes Alireza Fatemi and his gang. A man who has been abusing, destroying, hacking, preying, stalking, terrorizing and torturing me, while telling everyone how in love he is with me. The man who lied about being married and left a message on my phone. "You are a loser and will always be a loser, my wife and I are coming after you and lets see who can fuck with who!" The man and his gang who have called the cops on me, while they terrorize and torture me.

I met this man in 2004 and thought I knew him from the past. I could not put a finger on where or when, but I believe high school 1979. I told him after two months of a odd relationship I did not want to see him anymore and he persisted in contacting me. Would call me late at night asking for help to pick him up because his car was towed. I contacted the FBI in 2005 and many police departments, women's orgs, protesting in front of military bases... No one would believe me!

Alireza Fatemi pitted my family, friends, employers, ex-husband, towns, everyone against me. I moved to Minnesota to see if that would solve the problem, it did not. No one will believe me because it seems surreal and hard to fathom. My story is truth, Alireza Fatemi's stories are BULLSHIT! Think about it, I met him in 2004, it's 2017 what has he been doing since 2004? More importantly I believe the stalking started in 1979, 38 years of abuse and torture behind my back.

Time to start speaking loud, to get revved up and go ballistic. Time to be on fire and really get in people's faces. Time to say things that could get me killed. That is what time it is for me. This pure cold blooded evil creature has stolen my life and when you steal my life I become DANGEROUS! When you have put someone on the streets, isolated them, trying to make them rely on you, if the person is strong they stand up for their life, rights and justice.  

The quote above is truth! Truth that Alireza Fatemi and his gang should be scared of. Because when you have been living a life of hell at the hands of evil creatures, you are not afraid to die and you become DANGEROUS! You raise your voice, because you don't care what people think of you. When you know you are RIGHT, when you know the TRUTH, you don't sit down and shut up. You stand tall, firm, with convictions, strength and power DEMANDING JUSTICE!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Quote of The Day

You can't keep telling someone something is going to be over and it never is
and it continually keeps being postponed!  

Toxic Cultures That Control By Toxic Messages

This was not written in the books they control you with. But my message to you is:

"That your life belongs to you and that the good is to live it."
- Ayn Rand

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

What Causes RAPE - RAPISTS DO!

Bizarre and Ancient Beliefs
Bizarre and Ancient Beliefs
Bizarre and Ancient Beliefs
Bizarre and Ancient Beliefs
Bizarre and Ancient Beliefs
Bizarre and Ancient Beliefs
Bizarre and Ancient Beliefs
Bizarre and Ancient Beliefs
Bizarre and Ancient Beliefs

Bizarre And Ancient Beliefs - ALL About CONTROL


Saudi Women's Music Protest - They Want Their Rights

Monday, January 9, 2017

Quote of The Day & Message

"Most of the world realistically lacks the truth and knowledge to understand that what drives the Narcissist's disorder and abuse as being the lack of mechanisms to experience real emotions, empathy, or the ability to bond with people in a healthy manner.

With that in mind it was purely manipulation that the disordered Narcissist used to trick you into trusting them and believing they are real. It is ONLY a huge con job to support their agenda to use and abuse you as their next source of supply. You have something that they want and they are going to get it no matter what it takes to get you to trust them until they achieve their goal or agenda.

The Narcissist gives the appearance of being motivated by empathy and love AND having the same direction to pursue a relationship as you do. They talk the talk, walk the walk and speak all of the words (lies) of love and fidelity which resonates and confirms that you are both on the same page.

Meanwhile the Narcissist has a complete aversion to real intimacy and they are not connecting to you on any earthy emotional level. Unfortunately, you are completely unaware of this and the real distance and dysfunction that governs their personality disorder.

They are after something very different than love, bonding or any type of relationship for that matter. Instead they are seeking out candidates to serve their needs or objectifying people. We are only objects to a Narcissist and we all have an expiration date after we have served our particular purpose in their lives..."

Read entire article @: After Narcissistic Abuse

Friday, January 6, 2017

January Is National Stalking Awareness Month

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics...
- 3.4 million people over the age of 18 are stalked each year in the United States
- More than 1 in 4 stalking victims reported some form of technology was used, such as e-mail
  (83%) or instant messaging (35%)
- 3 in 4 stalking victims are stalked by someone they know

Know the Signs of a Stalker...
- Follow you and show up wherever you are
- Send unwanted gifts, letters, cards, or e-mails
- Monitor our phone calls, computer use, or social network accounts
- Hack into your social networking accounts ( Facebook...) or email
- Other actions that control or frighten you

Read entire article and the rest of the signs of a stalker @: University of New Hampshire

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Quote of The Night

To My Predators - I Am A Woman With Confidence


Is An


When you have been stalked and preyed upon like I have basically your entire life, you know the amount of individuals the main predator has brought into his fuck show. I don't go looking for fights, but trust me, I stand up to those who infringe upon my rights. There is a difference between initiating force and self defense. I did not initiate force directly or indirectly towards this gang of predators.

The philosophy I live by says when an individual or group infringes upon your rights (and know the degree those rights have been infringed upon) the individual or group has the right in their rational self-interest for self-defense. I am an adult, who is dealing with savage and barbaric individuals. I believe in using savage words when dealing with these kinds of creatures.

Sending a powerful message to the main predator and his gang that this fuck show will end either with justice or death. That they initiated this war upon my life long ago, not because I infringed upon their rights, but for the sole reason they are pure cold blooded evil monsters. Second handers who have nothing better to do with their one precious life, then abuse, destroy, prey upon, profile, stalk and terrorize innocent individuals.

Mr. Fatemi got the world watching his show, that has been going on for a long time in secret. The secrets are now being exposed to the publics eyes and ears. You can deny, evade and try your best to hide facts of the past, but reality and truth have a way of rearing their honest faces. Money, fame and power can conceal things, but reality and truth can override them. Why? Existence exists! Facts are facts and lies are lies and they both have tracks from the past.

"Tyranny like hell is not easily conquered."
- Thomas Paine

It has been utter hell, a hell like no other. They say do not confront your stalkers or predators. When you have been living a life of hell and you have nothing to lose but your life, fear is not in the equation, you are not afraid to die and you have NO problem getting in the face of your abusive predators. An example of what I mean is this.

There is a couple Michael and Kim that I believe are part of this fuck show upon my life. I might be wrong, but Narcissists make it look like they are your friends. Michael and Kim have given me Starbucks gift cards in the past and Kim before the holidays came up to me with some. I denied them and she kept persisting and I thought why not take them, you have no obligation to the givers, whether or not they give genuinely, or if they give out of deceit. So I took them.

Could Kim be in the top left photo and Michael in blue shirt bottom right?

There is something odd about Michael and Kim. I came across an article and pictures of a couple from Australia that look similar to them. Their story is about vanishing from Australia with a daughter and another male friend. It was written that they were part of a religious cult and that Michael was originally from England. They told me one was from Iowa and the other South Dakota? Why am writing about this is, it appears they are intentionally running into me?

Is that Michael in the blue shirt left photo and Kim top photo?

This morning when I went into Starbucks, I look back and guess who is coming in the door? Michael and Kim. I immediately used my thinking as to how I wanted to address their "how are you?". I came back with "it will be nice when my stalkers and predators are put in prison." I am close to a 100% certain they are part of the crazy, but there is a possibility I could be wrong. Hard to completely pin point without complete facts if they are. Gas-Lighting is used in gang stalking.


It Is
Name It
Know It
