Friday, July 29, 2016

Men Wearing Hijab Standing W/Women In Iran Forced To

"Men in Iran are wearing hijabs in a display of solidarity with women across the country who are forced to cover their heads in public."

"Wearing a headscarf is strictly enforced by so-called 'morality police' in Iran and has been since the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Women who do not wear a hijab or are deemed to be wearing 'bad hijab' by having some of their hair showing face punishments ranging from fines to imprisonment."

Read entire article @: Independent UK

Thursday, July 28, 2016

4 Things To Know About Child Slaves

"4 Surprising Things an Ex–Child Slave Wants You to Know About Human Trafficking"

"People assume their kids are safe, but thousands of parents are wrong every year.

At the age of seven, Rani Hong was kidnapped in India and sold into the slave trade. She was transported across state lines, where she was beaten, held in a cage, and forced to work in a brick factory. Although Hong doesn't remember being sexually abused, she said there's evidence other children trafficked by her owner were.

1. Anyone Can Be a Victim
Although many Americans believe that trafficking victims are always "foreigners," this couldn't be further from the truth, said Hong......"

Read entire article @: Take Part

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Child Molester Wanted By The FBI 'ERIK MOLLER'

Erik Moller is a convicted child molester, child terrorist and child predator. He was born in Arcadia, California and is wanted for failure to appear in San Luis Obispo, California.

Read full FBI Profile Of Erik @: FBI

Narcissist - "If They Are Breathing, They Are Lying!"

"Their conversation and interactions aren't meant to enlighten but to confuse, control and consistently create drama. They are a huge VOID working to get whatever they can from people to fulfill their EVERY need.

They create scenarios to discover your weaknesses or fears and store them away to manipulate you later. They don't use language as communication but instead it is for hiding, deflecting, avoiding and manipulating because their words are lies.

They attempt to belittle any version of reality that conflicts with theirs. They NEVER believe they make ANY mistakes even when the proof is right there in front of them.

They have NO ability to feel, process, or truly understand shame from the negative things they do - instead they only BLAME and fault everybody else.

Contradict them and you will feel the real rage that truly defines them. There is no such thing as individuality or human rights with a Narcissist - it is always and only about THEM and never you!"

Must read article with great tips @: After Narcissistic Abuse

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Quote Of The Day

Every time I feel I am moving forward, bam! This situation I am in on the streets with no privacy and a gang of stalkers, is one of the toughest challenges to maneuver through. Because everyday someone in the stalking group tries to get your goat. I know there are people with good intentions, but when you are an independent person like myself, you like to plan your own life. It is very difficult in the elements I am dealing with. You have no place to hide and think clearly.

Especially after 37 years of Islamic Muslim HELL! A Hell that is so crazy your head and thinking is spinning out of control, because those are the kind of people you are dealing with every single day. People that have nothing better to do with their one precious life then terrorize others.

Yesterday I did some loud screaming and yelling with a vulgar tone and rhetoric, but I have NO REGRETS. Why? Because after the insane abuse I have been dealing with, I have a right to express myself and if people don't like it, that is their problem. I would not have to express myself negatively, if I was not violently and viciously being abused.

My HEAD HELD HIGH even though I do not waste my good energy looking everyone in the eye. I know what I have been through, what I am dealing with and am proud of the stance I have taken and who I am. I walk with purpose, "Leaving no doubt in peoples minds why I am here!" - Morgan King

I have gotten better at MOVING ON quickly, or I should say quicker. Living like I have been is very exhausting and with exhaustion you have a tendency to react swiftly. My anger has been a positive tool, even though it might not seem like it to most. But when you demand and deserve justice, holding on to anger helps keep that fight for JUSTICE going.

Friday, July 22, 2016

You Are An 'Object' It Is Only A 'One Way Street' For the Narcissist

"Temporarily we represent the object of the Narcissist's desire, the answer to THEIR needs, the love of THEIR life, and the key to THEIR happiness - BUT again only temporarily because they can't experience any of this due to their psychopathic nature, lack of empathy and lack of human emotions.

This feeling of euphoria doesn't last long because we are only satisfying their external needs. A Narcissist cannot bond, love or experience life as you and I do. They are simply addicts and supply is their drug of choice so they are always off and looking for more, the next, and the better supply.

Once your identity, hopes and experiences are pinned on them they get bored and the excitement is gone. The Narcissist then goes out to seek those other sources of pleasures and diversions and that is when the devaluation and abuse begins because the truth of who and what they are surface and their accountability comes into question.

WE are THEIR supply in this equation and they are NOT going to be our supply by recognizing that we are an individual with needs. A Narcissist does not give anything in return unless it is to get tenfold back. We are merely an object and this is a one-way street that is all about the Narcissist fulfilling THEIR external needs......"

Read entire article @: After Narcissitic Abuse

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Anti 'Honor' Crimes Bill Will Pass In Pakistan

"As women we must stand up for ourselves. As women we must stand up for each other...As a women we must stand up for justice."

"I believe I am a modern day feminist. I believe in equality. I need not to choose what type of women should be. I don't think there is any need to label ourselves just for sake of society. I am just a women with free thoughts free mindset and I LOVE THE WAY I AM. :)

‪#‎QandeelBaloch ‪#‎I_Am_The_Best ‪#‎Stubborn_For_My_Dreams‪#‎One_Women_Army ‪#‎High_Targets ‪#‎DestinationBollywood‪#‎Will_Do_Things_My_Own_Way ‪#‎Just_Watch_Me

26-year-old Pakistani model and social media star Qandeel Baloch posted these words on 14 July. One day later, she was dead. She was drugged and strangled by her own brother, Waseem Azeem, who proudly admitted to killing her because her outspoken social media activity “brought dishonor on the family name” and that “girls are born to stay at home.....”

Read entire article @: Equality Now

Methods Of Trafficking

Click on Image For Better View

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Mom Gets 51 Years To Life For Trafficking Her Daughter

"The Cincinnati-area mother who admitted to trafficking her 11-year-old daughter for heroin received on Tuesday a prison sentence of 51 years to life. April Corcoran, 32, confessed to selling her daughter to a heroin dealer in exchange for the powerful narcotic...."

Read article @: The Daily Beast

You Are 'ONLY' The 'Next Object' For A Narcissist

"We are merely objects in the Narcissist's make believe reality or supply!

We are substitutes for them having a normal, real, or sustainable life. WE displace the emotional rewards of individuality when we engage in whatever role was designed for us, because without REALITY we have no real place in their world other than being that NEXT OBJECT.

Our real role was to accept the lies and promises, to believe this was love NO MATTER WHAT and the what came at the great cost of horrendous emotional and psychological abuse from being processed into their manipulative agenda to extort or con our life away as their NEXT source of supply.

It became a growing disappointment and disillusionment as the truth revealed itself because A Narcissist is out of control and they act on their EVERY whim and urge no matter what the cost is to the people that love them.

It WAS in direct opposition to what they made us believe and that is where the conflict began or holding them accountable for their lies and promises and THAT is when we reached our EXPIRATION DATE, because we made them face the real truth that they HAVE to avoid or face exposure!"........

Read entire article @: After Narcissistic Abuse

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Quote Of The Day On Narcissists

The Narcissist Uses 'Fake Charm' And 'Love-Bombing'

"The most horrendous manipulation was the seamless con job from a Narcissist with the FAKE charm and 'love bombing' because that was the TRAP that they used to gain your trust through your heart and mind to extort your love and life!

So after that trap was in place and set into motion you just believed it was real and traveled down what seemed to be a familiar road by creating and growing what you also believed was a normal relationship.

That belief PUSHED those doors wide open to your vulnerabilities as well and the Narcissist utilized that to his/her full advantage especially gaining your unyielding trust!

It is hard for a normal person of empathy to understand that another person would use a fake love to lure an unsuspecting and good person into such a deceptive and abusive agenda to essentially use and objectify them.

Narcissists are very shrewd and they have many other traps and manipulation techniques that they will also use throughout the whole cycle of abuse to basically manage people down and disable their reality and well-being so the Narcissist can satisfy their needs or get what it is they want from a person. They are not only a con artist - they destroy lives and families with their dysfunctional need for that constant supply....."

Read entire article @: After Narcissistice Abuse

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Cycle Of Narcissistic Abuse

Help 'STOP' Sex Trafficking With The TraffickCam APP

"Picking a fight with sex trafficking"

"Sex trafficking is a form of modern day slavery that forces children and adults to engage in sexual acts, for money, against their will. Which is bad enough in itself, but UNICEF points out that the problem is much bigger than you might think; at least 300,000 American children, and more than 1.2m children worldwide are trafficked each years. And when we say children, that’s where the horror deepens: most victims are recruited between the ages 12-14...."

Read entire article @: Tech Crunch

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Quote Of The Day On Narcissists

It Is The Narcissists Way 'OR ELSE' If You Do Not 'OBEY'

"The Narcissist is completely driven to maximize the amount of Narcissistic supply that he/she can obtain in their environment so they are NEVER without it because they DEPEND upon it to survive.

The Narcissist MUST seek out and have total admiration, adoration, approval and applause at all times and that requires MANY different sources and levels in every aspect of their world and life.

The Narcissist will step it up and even fabricate fake fame and notoriety with outrageous lies of achievement to help them advance themselves. None of it is real - it is ALL contrived and part of their make believe world or a fake, concocted and forced uniqueness or that façade and mask to acquire SUPPLY.

In turn it provides the Narcissist false stability, a long term presence, attachment (or the many connections they acquire), a forced collaboration, unreal emotional agility, and people skills that they NEED to fit in that they naturally LACK in reality. It makes them so real to us and the world and THAT is what makes them seem to fit it!".......

Read entire article @: After Narcissistic Abuse

Monday, July 11, 2016

'She Is Powerful' A Non-Profit Empowering With Dance

She is...hope... She is love... She is...beautiful…

"She-Is, a Los Angeles based nonprofit, provides a safe, empowered environment where survivors of sex trafficking and sexual abuse strengthen their true worth through the power of dance. She-Is strives to help these young survivors reconnect with their bodies and emotions, allowing them to feel self-love and be kids again....."

Read entire article @: INDIEGOGO   Visit She Is Powerful Website@: She Is Powerful

Saturday, July 9, 2016

37 Years Of Muslim Hell, I Stopped Being Politely Angry

Did I set out with the goals and the intentions of being a radical bitch? Absolutely NOT! Did I set out to be political, or an activist? Absolutely NOT! What events and actions occurred that changed the course of my life? It is the fact that a Muslim man and his large gang have been radically abusing, bullying, destroying, profiling, stalking and terrorizing my life, behind my back for the past 37 years.

A challenge dealt to me, as a pure cold blooded all out war, on my life. I was never a bitch, but after what I have lived through, am still dealing with and the utter magnitude of the destruction and evil, there is only one way to deal with these kinds of creatures. "To Stop Being Politely Angry" and to be a Radical Bitch!

Predators of this nature can only be confronted with brutal, harsh, punitive, ruthless, severe actions. The risks involved. The major one is death! When you have defined, identified and understand the character of the individuals you are dealing with as: pure cold blooded evil, you know they are capable of slaughtering and killing human beings, who challenge them. There are degrees of errors, of moral errors and then there is just pure cold blooded evil!

When you deal with individuals that operate by the actions of 'divide and conquer', whose main goal is domination and destruction you are in a war. Being politely angry in a war, is a stupid tactic and you will lose. Remember also these kinds of individuals have a narcissistic personality and will act like you friend, but are really your enemy. Very dangerous, destructive, violent individuals.

I do not feel guilty for my anger, outbursts, outrage, and vulgar rhetoric. I am proud of myself and the stance and position I have taken, dealing with some of the evilest creatures on planet earth. I am not out here for sympathy, pity, to be rewarded, to be a hero. I am out here because a Muslim man and his gang have committed a great injustice to my life, freedom and rights in the country I was born in. In my own rational self interest, knowing that my one precious life is important and of value, it was time for me, "To Stop Being Politely Angry", and be a radical BITCH!

The Narcissist Only USES Individuals For Their Supply, There is NO Relationship

"A Narcissist is totally disconnected from all people in this world because they feel omnipotent or above people AND the norm as it concerns life - they follow no rules or obey any laws.

Their connection to us is born out of their needs and not any or ours. What else could an empty and dead soul offer to any other person if they have NO real emotions or empathy.

Unfortunately Narcissist's NEED people and they will manipulate them and even trick them into falling in love - BUT the Narcissist's version of love involves complete compliance, admiration, loss of freedom, OR basically becoming a servant to them as well as dealing with their abuse and control!

You will never be able to do enough for them, and your commitment to them will destroy your self-worth and well-being. No One person could ever satisfy a Narcissist's need for constant, better and newer supply.

A Narcissist will trample any person down to get to a new source of supply without a care to the damage they inflict onto a person, ever those that love or care for them - this includes their own biological children...."

Read entire article @: After Narcissistic Abuse

Saturday, July 2, 2016

The 'Vampire' Trucker Stalker and Sex Slave Predator Finally Caught

 "The woman told investigators she met Timothy Jay Vafeades at the Sapp Brothers truck stop in Salt Lake City. It was April 2012, and she got into his tractor-trailer after agreeing to get dinner with him, according to court documents.

But about 10 minutes into the drive, Vafeades told her that  “they were not going to dinner and that she was going on the road with him for a week or more,” an FBI agent wrote in a criminal affidavit. “She reported that she knew she could not do anything.”

For months after that, investigators allege, Vafeades forced the woman to live with him, work on the truck — and have sex with him almost daily....."

Read entire article @: The Washigton Post