Tuesday, May 31, 2016

We are all interchangeable objects in the Narcissist’s world and we all have an expiration date!

"ANY effort that you emotionally invest in trying to relate to a Narcissist is doomed at every level from the very moment you try to actualize your thoughts as a workable reality as it concerns THEIR world.

ALSO any attempt of trying to understand their world, their patterns, why they do what they do, or why they react in the manner they do, or trying to relate their words and actions into viable emotions as you normally relate to emotions is totally HOPELESS.

Narcissists make no emotional investments in anybody but they do mimic emotions to manipulate people into believing their façade or false self. They feel NO stimulation from you or the relationship that you believe you have with them.

You do however have a very clear and significant role and that is as Narcissistic supply. You are ONLY a means to an end or as one of the many objects that they need to survive. ONCE they are done with you they will just move onto another source - that is all there is to it - but you believed it was a real relationship and even love and you invested so much in them."

Read entire article @: After Narcissistic Abuse

#TryBeatingMeLightly Campaign

"In response to a recently proposed bill in Pakistan, which would allow husbands to "lightly beat" their wives, one photographer has started a powerful photo series and associated social media campaign with the hashtag #TryBeatingMeLightly

Read entire article @: #TryBeatingMeLightly

Twitter Accounts: FahhadRajper / #TryBeatingMeLightly

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Quote: The Narcissist NEVER Gives Up

"Being amoral or just numb to the existence of morality, rules or laws in life is as far as the Narcissist's integrity goes - and it is based solely on what they want ALWAYS! They are like a cantankerous and irrational three year old child (brat) throwing a tantrum.

The Narcissist NEVER gives up one of their screaming fits or arguments until they get exactly what they want or destroying you in the process. If you engage the Narcissist he/she will pull you down to their level. Keep engaging with them in an argument and he/she will take it to another destructive level and another and finally to a level lower then you care to stoop so you just give in and stop.

It is futile to go on anymore so this behavior becomes your normal when dealing with a Narcissist. It is sadistic conditioning pure and simple and facilitates the Narcissist's delusions of power and control and abuses YOU!".............       Read entire article @ - After Narcisstic Abuse

Quote: About Human Trafficking and Slavery

Check out Tony Stiles Website on Human Trafficking and Slavery

Friday, May 27, 2016

The Narcissist Will Ultimately Step Up Their Game

"You can't have a relationship where there is not a real and functioning person like that with a Narcissist and especially when it is embellished with toxic behavior that push your buttons, manipulates your emotions, betrays your love, and takes you to the lowest level of despair possible.

The Narcissist will ultimately step up in their game or ABUSE you psychologically and emotionally BUT it starts out as a very slow and ambiguous abuse. It eventually disables the victim's capacity to function normally within the relationship but by then it is too late because the victim is somewhere in between their emotional connection (love) and the vast confusion caused by the debasing and dehumanizing psychological warfare inflicted by the Narcissist.

Life is no longer that world the victim once knew because it doesn't feel safe and their core beliefs about the most cherished aspect of life (love) has been shattered and redefined by a battle that ensued by what can only be described as extreme loss and having to survive every single day of their life in despair! This WAS a despairing and damaging love that destroys people and families - this was ABUSE!"......         Read entire article @: After Narcissitic Abuse

Quote By A Narcissist

"Remember this is what happens to things and people that stand in my way."
*The Magicians Nephew * Narnia *

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sign Petition: Ban Predatory Doctors From Performing Female Genital Mutilation

"My name is Jaha Dukureh. When I was a baby in Gambia, I was subjected to a practice known as Female Genital Mutilation, or FGM. It took away a part of my femininity, my ownership to my body. Some girls, including my half-sister who died from complications from being cut, even lose their lives.

Now I'm fighting to make sure that no other little girl ever has to experience the horror of FGM."

Sign Petition - Ban Female Genital Mutilation For Girls Under 18 In The US

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Narcissists Simply BAIT You - Greg Zuffato

"Narcissists simply BAIT you with conversations in an effort to manage you down and to keep you constantly confused. Just with a normal conversation it almost seems like they are testing you or even mocking you.

They are gauging your reactions to see how far they can push you. They WANT you to react emotionally and after they BAIT you and get you there they will tell YOU to calm down or say YOU are overreacting and make YOU internalize their disappointment with YOU.

Narcissists need to have the upper hand always to feel and stay in control, so the whole point of this 'bait and switch' is to make you feel unbalanced and become unhinged.

Think of it like this - it is like the Narcissist purposely punches you in the face and then gets angry at YOU for reacting angrily to that very punch - it is ALWAYS your fault and you will even be blamed for your reactions to their sadistic behaviors.".....    

Read entire article @ After Narcissistic Abuse

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Malignant Narcissists Are Dangerous - Ross Rosenberg

"If you cross them they will do anything to maintain their Power"

"They have set the stage for their own victimization"

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Miami-Dade Human Trafficking Unit Gets Their First Conviction

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

You Are Crazy, The Narcissist Says, - "But I Love You"

"A Narcissist means to get inside of your head, heart and life to secure what they need so desperately and that is supply. They will disable your reality at so many levels concerning your mental well-being to accomplish this and it is intentional!

This is NOT something that the victim has conscious control over because it is purely lies, deception, manipulation and control. This manipulative aspect is called 'gaslighting' and it seriously confounds and distorts the victim's reality and it ALL starts out with the biggest distortion or the charm and love bombing the Narcissist uses to create a strong emotional bond and trust with their potential victim.

This is what creates that familiar or what appears to be a 'normal' relationship FIRST that the victim falls into unknowingly. It is a TRAP and purely deception on the Narcissist's part to control their victim by continually keeping them in a vicious circle of belief and then doubt.

THAT is what destroys and disables the victim as well as becomes their new reality where they start to internalize the many negative messages, blame, shame, punishment, betrayal, and abusive actions. It basically erases the victim's personality, destroys their self-worth, belief system and completely traumatizes their life!"

Read entire article @: ANA -After Narc Abuse

1000's Of Truck Drivers Combating Human Trafficking, At Truck Stops

"While the world is a dark place for the approximately 4.5 million people currently trapped in the human trafficking industry in forced sexual exploitation, this is also a story of redemption and heroes."

This is how we tackle, solve problems and catch predatory, stalking, criminals. When people team up together, using their minds and implementing a plan of action. I cringe and my rage grows for a minute when reading these kind of horrendous stories, but then I come back to reality, knowing it is my actions that can be of benefit. But the emotion of rage is important and should not be underestimated. Otherwise you might evade and deny there are real ugly problems and predators in the world.   Read entire article @: Up Worthy

Related Stories:
Women Endures 5 Years of Slavery

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

What Is Really Behind The Mask Of A Narcissist

"A Narcissist idealizes his/her victim for a while just like 'courting a person' in the old days. This courting period is the most important and manipulative aspect of the 'big con' that the Narcissist is creating personally for us because it is an investment for THEM! The Narcissist brings out the best in their target/victim and mirrors their good qualities right back to them and creating that feeling of having so much in common. THIS is the very reason we think our Narcissist is so amazing because he/she is mirroring our personal belief system, our code of ethics, our every like and dislike, our morality, our EVERYTHING and they even become a part of our family and circle of friends. What is there NOT to like about this person? These character traits are non-existent in the Narcissist and an insidious betrayal to gain our trust through pretending to be so real as well as faking and using one of the most beautiful emotions to manipulate us further - LOVE! This is no dream come true but instead the start of the darkest nightmare you will ever experience. Along with that this is not a soulmate BUT a soulless-mate!"

Read entire article @: After Narcissistic Abuse

The Narcissist's Image Is False

"The Narcissist's image is completely FALSE and created out of thin air and only as a working component to hide their pathological and dysfunctional life. There is no substance to it whatsoever. It is not about liking us, caring for us, bonding with us and NEVER about loving us. The Narcissist creates these special images for each and every one of us AND they are personally designed to mimic our life and appear as if we have so much in common. It is only a reflection of OUR good life that is given back to us and THAT is the bait that they use to trap us in as a new source of supply. They aren't looking at us with any emotional context but instead as a potential candidate to serve their many needs or objectified. We do not exist as a person to them but instead as a means to an end to exploit our life and love away from us. If you cease giving them what they want and need they will simply move on to another source without hesitation. Unfortunately they are dangerous in their pursuit of supply because the Narcissist MUST disable their source psychologically and emotionally to tap into all the supply they need. Believing in them is like reaching for the stars because you will NEVER be able to reach that far without falling first!"

- Greg Zaffuto - Author - From Charm to Harm and Everything else in Between with a Narcissist @ ANA - After Narc Abuse

Narcissists Can Be Silent Destroyers

"Narcissists abuse their position of power and privilege simply because they can which is morally indefensible - But they will endlessly talk about being moral, a good person, always doing the right thing, always taking responsibility but they NEVER genuinely face up to and become accountable for any of their many destructive actions. A Narcissist is the victimizer/abuser that disguises themselves by playing the role of a victim to absolve themselves of any blame and shame for what they REALLY are. They perpetrate abuse and violence on others even destroying a person's integrity and life while hiding behind the façade of being the victim themselves. This inability to consciously feel their 'negative' feelings is at the root or core of the dynamic in which they totally dissociate from their own darkness through blaming and projecting darkness onto others. Narcissists have a potential enemy around every corner and are always having to look over their shoulder. THIS is why they separate their past from their present and always moving on or basically running to newer supply to feed their addiction and avoid that past coming back to haunt and expose them."

Found @ 27 Million Voices Today and understand Narcissists better @ ANA - After Narc Abuse

Monday, May 16, 2016

Justice: Sex Trafficking Pedatory Pimp Gets 96 Years In Prison

When you hear stories of justice like this, it brings the emotion of elation. Finally the predator was caught and charged for stealing the rights of children, in this case. Sex trafficking is a vicious crime and when children are involved it makes my blood curl. Innocent young lives used by adults for the purpose of money.

"Before the guilty verdicts, before the hefty prison sentence, before what has been declared a landmark victory for San Francisco’s antitrafficking efforts, there was just a girl in a revealing dress, sitting in an interview room at the police station.
When San Francisco police Sgt. Tony Flores met her that afternoon in July 2014, she was still in the wig and provocative clothes she’d been forced to wear when she had sex with men for money.

The girl was one of two teenage victims of Jamar Geeter, who was sentenced Thursday to 97 years to life in state prison for 16 counts of sex trafficking, pimping, pandering and rape...."

Read entire article @: San Francisco Cronicle

Friday, May 13, 2016

Predators and Predatory Scammers

"Desperate People, Do Desperate Things." - Tony Ingram

When you are dealing with the most dangerous types of predators, you need to be prepared for anything and everything. Especially if the predators you are dealing with, are extremely wealthy. They have the money to play dead, change their appearance, change their names, create a new identity, create a new life, move to other places, many times over and over again. When wealthy predators are being challenged, or any predator for that matter and they become desperate, death threats and violence could ensue. But threats don't/won't stop those seeking justice who are not afraid to die, like myself.

After reading these horrific stories about two young ladies who have been missing and knowing a little bit about one of the young ladies stories, rage came up within me. Not only have these young ladies been missing, kidnapped and who what has happened to them by their initial predator(s), but a second group of predators has descended upon their families. Predatory Scammers!

Read these tragic stories of Kelsie Schelling and Megan Lancaster @: ABC News

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Community: Carlie Is Safe

I wrote about this kind of action a few blog posts back. How as citizens we need to protect our communities and tackle predators. Here is a great story of how that happened in Tennessee.

"Carlie is safe tonight because of an entire community pulling together with law enforcement to bring her home," Mark Gwyn, Director of the TBI, told reporters at a press conference Thursday evening.

This is a case of two heroes who went on their property to see if, by chance, if they were there, and they were," he said. "I think this is a clear message to the public that we need your help on these kind of cases.”

"On Tuesday, Trent's father said her alleged abductor was obsessed with her and wanted her all to himself.

He had access to her every day, he was obsessed with her, he wanted her, and he wanted her all to himself," Trent said. "That's a scary thing to think about."

Read the story @:

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How Vulnerable Is Your Cell Phone and Mobile Phone to Hacking

In my last email I said technology can be an asset. What I meant by that is, we can do so much with technology today, then we could twenty years ago. We can instantly contact individuals all around the world through email, cell phones, chatting, texting, we can gather info on the computer faster, then going to a library and checking out many books.

But there is also a negative side to technology. Due to certain kinds of individuals that believe your life and property is their right. We have to identify there are criminals in the world that like to spy, hack and steal your rights and property on the technological devices you use such as, cell phones, iPhones, computers........ To protect ourselves from these predators we need to keep updated on ways to keep our technological devices as safe and secure as we possibly can.

Seems like this could be a hard task to accomplish after reading this article @ 60 Minutes: Hacking Your Phone

Be Careful Who You Talk To and Pictures You Post on The Internet

Technology can be an asset to your life, but there are predators on the internet that want to use your pictures, information and things you say against you, beware! When we teach our kids the benefits of things, but also make them aware of the dangers, we give them tools and skills to make the best choices. Empowering minds, means empowering lives. If we don't properly educate, if we pretend life is all good, we set children up to fail. Predators are lurking everywhere looking for the weak, vulnerable, down trodden,..... those who don't use their minds, but their hearts. As parents you must teach the absolute importance of the mind, choices, decisions, self esteem, confidence...

"Sextortion is a growing online problem, worldwide, in which people send sexually explicit photos or videos of themselves to someone over the Internet and are then extorted for money by the recipient in exchange for not distributing them further."

Read the entire article and watch other videos @: Sextortion

Monday, May 9, 2016

Double Take: Stalkers that Have Others Who Look and Act Like Them

In the world of acting, they use back ups for roles that the actor is not able to do, for whatever reason. Some stalkers have gotten this act down. Using other people that look, speak, or act like them to fill in as their double. The twisted world predators live in, create and make. Many times I do not want to write certain things because it gives predators ideas, but when you realize they will find out about the ideas, you need to be one step ahead of them or two, three...... Like offensive and defensive plays.

Information and knowledge is power. A mind that absolutely understands how these kind of people operate, is power. I feel like I already have the skills and ability to be an FBI agent, undercover detective, private investigator...... after what I have been through and learned. But there is always more to learn and understand, when dealing with predators. As technology changes, the way of life changes, security procedures change,..... predators are planning and plotting.

When dealing with extreme predators that use others as doubles, you need to be vigil, have an active mind in full focus. You need to first identify there are a couple, or more people that look alike and are playing the role of the stalker. Then you need to observe their differences, in voice, looks, such as eye color, scars, tattoos, birth marks, height, hair,..... anything that can be differentiated between them. After one of the most insane stalking events you could ever imagine dealing with, I have learned much about predators. Especially predators that claim they are being stalked, when they have created the entire stalking drama.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Ripple Effect Stalking Has on Those Associated With, or Helping The Victim of Stalking

I know the character(s) of my stalkers and what they are capable of. I not only fear for my life, but those I know or meet. Extreme stalkers and their gangs, can isolate you from the world, or threaten those you know. Over at Morgan's Stalking there is a great article about the ripple effect stalking has on many people. Read the article @: Just When Does Stalking Become Stalking

Help Solve: Morgans Murder in Colorado

When you live in reality, know the importance of life, know the values that sustain life, you know the difference between existence and non-existence. When you know the importance of existence, you know that to solve complicated, challenging cases of murder, that were staged to look like suicide, takes a fully integrated mind that knows existence exists. You cannot solve problems with a mind using non-existent entities. This is the most important thing you can learn today, it saves lives, and helps solve murders that were staged as suicides.

Morgan was a beautiful young woman, just beginning adulthood, when her precious life was taken, by predators. Morgan's death was ruled suicide, but was murder in the form of a staged suicide. These days when they rush to claim a death was suicide, I would take into consideration, could it have been a murder that someone wanted to get away with? Because when you understand the kind of predators in our world today, you know many predators want to get away with their evil. Remember predators play radical games, try to make you believe and pretend they are good guys and gals.

I personally believe Morgan was stalked by the same person, I am still being stalked by. A Muslim man and his large drug dealing gang of evil. A man who sits behind the scenes orchestrating, planning, plotting the demise, destruction and death of many. A wealthy man who I believe has planes, boats and many forms of transportation that allows him to move quickly, from one place to another. Which also allows him the ability to be in communities, towns, states and countries for short periods of time. A perfect way to murder and get away with it.

I know what it also takes to solve murders like Morgan's, a group of concerned citizens who band together and bring about justice. The more regular citizens are aware of what is going on in their communities, towns, states and countries the better the results will be to keep communities from being inflicted by predators. Because they know they are being watched. We should not have to waste our life always on the look out for evil, predators, con artists, but we must understand they are out there, focusing and being aware is important to catch them.

Morgan is no longer with us, and I am still surviving the insane nightmare my stalkers have me living in. But I will continue to fight for my justice, to bring about justice for Morgan and many others. What I am asking for in helping to solve Morgan's Murder is any kind of tips or leads you might have. Did you hear anything, see anything, know anything about those that have been identified as the stalker(s), or maybe someone that has not been identified that you believe could be involved? One lead could lead to another or a connection between others and this is the way justice comes about and predators are caught.

Morgan was born in Colorado, living in Carbondale, Colorado, before her stalking began she had visited, Hawaii and California. Anyone with information in any of these states should send tips or leads to Morgan's Stalking

The man I believe is both my stalker and Morgan's killer I believe is an
-avid photographer, who cases homes and business
-a drug dealer
-well versed in computers
-plays basketball
-claims to be a Christian or part of other religions
-hangs out at the beach
- is an alcoholic and I believe goes to AA meetings
-is about 5'4"
-middle eastern or Mexican looking
-goes by other names such as Dave, Steve, John, Joe.... but his real name might be Alireza Fatemi
-drives fancy cars
-picks people up on the streets while driving, art galleries, the beach, churches, clubs, dancers........
-looks for virgins and young victims
-I believe this man has a very large gang involved in predatory behavior, stalking, and criminal activity, consisting of men, women, youth and older people, with gangster mentality
-possibly gay or bi

Please go to Sharing Morgan's Story to read about her Story, stalking, and leave any tips or leads you might have.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Sign Petition: Mary Jane On Death Row A Victim of Human Trafficking

Mary Jane is in jail, because drug dealers used her to transport their drugs, without her knowledge or consent. She is a victim of human trafficking, trafficking drugs that her predators illegally put in her possession and is on death row.

"Update 5:

Despite the outcry, President Widodo has refused to stop the execution. Please contact the President of your country and your government representatives and ask for their help for Mary Jane Veloso as well as the 8 others who are facing execution.

Update 4:

Mary Jane Veloso has been informed that her execution will take place Tuesday, April 28th. There may be a chance for clemency still. Please help me get as many signatures as possible so that I can deliver this petition to President Widodo. Thank you for your support for Mary

March 22, 2016: The Philippine Government is still prosecuting Maria Kristina Sergio and others for their roles in human trafficking. Mary Jane Veloso continues to languish in an Indonesian prison under the sentence of death. We would like to continue to press President Widodo to commute the death sentence and release Mary Jane so that she can return home to her sons and parents."

Read more and sign petition @: Save a Young Mother on Death Row in Indonesia