Monday, August 20, 2018

Diversity Guild Socialist Terrorists & The Daily Rampages

Guild Socialism

"The [student] rebels' notion that universities should be run by students and faculties was an open, explicit assault on the right attacked implicitly by all their other notions; the right of private property. And of all the various statist-collectivist systems, the one they chose as their goal is, politico-economically, the least practical; intellectually, the least defensible; morally, the most shameful: guild socialism.

Guide socialism is a system that abolishes the exercise of individual ability by chaining men into groups according to their line of work, and delivering the work into the group's power, as its exclusive domain, with the group dictating the rules, standards, and practices of how the work is to be done and who shall or shall not do it.

Guild socialism is the concrete-bound, routine-bound mentality of a savage, elevated into a social theory. Just as a tribe of savages seizes a piece of jungle territory and claims it as a monoply by reason of the fact of being there - so guild socialism grants a monopoly, not on a jungle forest or waterhole, but on a factory or university - not by reason of man's ability, achievement, or even "public service," but by reason of the fact that he is there.

Just as savages have no concept of causes or consequences, of past or future, and no concept of efficacy beyond the muscular power of their tribe - so guild socialists, finding themselves in the midst of an industrial civilization, regard its institutions as phenomena of nature and see no reason why the gang should not seize them.

If there is any one proof of a man's incompetence, it is the stagnant mentality of a worker (or of a professor) who, doing some small, routine job in a vast undertaking, does not care to look beyond the lever of a machine (or the lectern of a classroom), does not choose to know how the machine (or the classroom) got there or what makes his job possible, and proclaims that the management of the undertaking is parasitical and unnecessary. Managerial work - the organization and integration of human effort into purposeful, large-scale, long-range activities - is, in the realm of action, what man's conceptual faculty is in the realm of cognition. It is beyond the grasp and, therefore, is the first target of the self-arrested, sensory-perceptual mentality.

If there is any one way to confess one's own mediocrity, it is the willingness to place one's work in the absolute power of a group, particularly a group of one's professional colleagues. Of any forms of tyranny, this is the worst; it is directed against a single human attribute: the mind - and against a single enemy: the innovator. The innovator, by definition, is the man who challenges the established practices of his profession. To grant a professional monopoly to any group, is to sacrifice human ability and abolish progress; to advocate such a monopoly, is to confess that one has nothing to sacrifice.

Guild socialism is the rule of, by, and for mediocrity. Its cause is a society's intellectual collapse; its consequences is a quagmire of stagnation; its historical example is the guild system of the Middle Ages (or, in modern times, the fascist system of Italy under Mussolini)."

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Guild Socialism

Not In The Movie 'I'm A Stupid, Negligent, Lying, Coward'

""Sacrifice" is the surrender of a greater value for the sake of a lesser one or of a non-value. Thus, altruism gauges a man's virtue by the degree to which he surrenders, renounces or betrays his values (since help to a stranger or an enemy is regarded as more virtuous, less "selfish," than help to those one loves). The rational principle of conduct is the exact opposite: always act in accordance with the  hierarchy of your values, and never sacrifice a greater value to a lesser one.

This applies to all choices, including one's actions toward other men. It requires that one posses a defined hierarchy of rational values (values chosen and validated by a rational standard). Without such a hierarchy, neither rational conduct nor considered value judgments nor moral choices are possible.

"Sacrifice" does not mean the rejection of the worthless, but of the precious. "Sacrifice" does not mean the rejection of the evil for the sake of the good, but of the good for the sake of the evil. "Sacrifice" is the surrender of that which you value in favor of that which you don't.

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Sacrifice

I promise the world and all individuals I have ONLY been out here for my personal justice. Trust me I am not living in HELL for anyone, nor have I ever been. ESPECIALLY in the year 2018 after blatant, grotesque lies. I am NOT the American who should be living in hell today!

Each individual in this fuck show, has the choice to assume I am living in hell for you, but that is not my reality. I have been screaming since 2005, the shit has been going on since 1979, it is 2018! ALL I am and have been doing is seeking personal justice, for my situation. 

I will continue to do so, with the possibility of taking justice into my own hands. But I will never force any individual to understand 'Traders' operate by the principle of 'Trade.' Traders don't become fodder for the stupid, negligent, incompetent liars of the world who use others as slaves.

Everyday, all day individuals I would never trust, respect or want shit to do with, truly believe they are relevant to my life. You are so stupid, you would never understand you are not relevant to my life. You live in a gross delusion, we are in some bizarre relationship and I give a fuck about you

I don't give a fuck about you, nor shall I ever give a fuck about you!

The 'Good' have allowed controllers, manipulators and the destroyers of the world, to use force against them. Allowing evil to twist shit round and round, in a grand fuck show. Evil who are not the kind of individuals to play games with, but you chose to, not me.

Instead these evil individuals should be told there is a war with them. And with utmost conviction fight the war with all might, power, and resources. Otherwise you are a negligent coward who has no right solving problems with invaders, terrorists, gang bangers, the like. . . .

Trust me I am not living in hell in the year 2018 for anyone. I mean that with utter conviction. Nor have I ever been, but especially in the year 2018. It will never register in your minds, but it is a fact of mine. I am a trader who lives, by trade, not a child, sacrificial animal, nor slave. 

I'm so over being followed around by everyone. It is only making the entire show as fucked up as it could be. I'm not living for you in any manner. Many think they are doing something for me? But they are ONLY doing something for them, their worlds, situations. Don't confuse the two!

Keep thinking 'I CARE' about anything, while living in hell.

My life is the ONLY thing I care about, and will be the only thing I ever care about after this fuck show. You will never make me care about fucking shit after what happened here. Come tell me what I should care about and see how the fuck it works out for your fuck. See if 'I CARE'!

Individuals thinking I have been living in hell on the streets for over 15 years, thinking I really want a relationship and to go directly into a relationship, I want to KILL for that. I have not had any form of a single normal life or privacy, and that idea makes me angry as fuck and want to KILL!

Especially the way this shit went fucking down. Especially when people think they could convince me they did this for me, while I live in hell and they enjoyed life. I would never buy it for a second, not one. I have been out here for ONLY one reason my single normal life., privacy and justice.

But I don't control anyone else's mind, actions, choices, decisions, . . .

Unfortunately the way this show went down, it is so easy for me to accuse everyone and anyone for the crazy. Because I don't trust anyone. I am so physically ill from this. From the entirety of it. It makes me want to vomit, do things I would normally not do. 

It is one thing to do things for your life out of self-defense and protection, but totally another to say while you were doing that, it was all for someone else. That is wrong! Or to do things to get things straight and clean them up, but not saying you are doing it for someone else. 

While you are doing this, if you did understand the 'Trader Principle' you would know it is not in your benefit, or anyone else's to use them like a sacrificial animal. It's one thing to think you are using someone, another for the person to know you are not using them. They did not consent.

I can't watch what is going on in the world or country, because evil is being allowed to go on rampage after rampage, and I have no control over that. I am not running shows. I don't care. But trust me I will NEVER agree to how this was handled, ever! That is a fact.

I control ONLY my life, choices, decisions and I promise you I am not a sacrificial animal in any manner, for anyone, or any purpose. That is a fact. Not going to sit here and watch the evil I have been talking about destroy the country, for whatever reason, that is on you. Not me!

It is bizarre to think the evil would do anything but be evil, that is the stupidest thinking you could have with evil, and to think one day you might take actions. Maybe the evil will get you before then by being stupid, negligent, cowardly and incompetent. Being stupid with evil, is stupid

Not Politically Correct, I'm Going To Profile All Foreigners

"I Welcomed You Graciously
You Trampled All Over Me!"

Not only did you trample on my entire life, you ripped my life to utter shreds, while enjoying your life in the country I was born in. And tell me what the fuck I did to you, to deserve what you did to me? Fucking, nothing! When all the others find out, you have been ripping their worlds to shreds, maybe a full blown fucking war will start and we shall see how it all ends. 

Unfortunately there are always good people who suffer the wrath, of the bad. I know there are good foreigners, but the bad foreigners wrecked havoc. The bad foreigners are using the good foreigners for their prey and their invasion. The bad are making it difficult for the good, by their destructive actions and behavior. Using them as pawns for their plight to lofty places in America.

The bad, zero, evil can destroy individuals and businesses, but they shall not be able to keep those things going by their pathetic intelligence. It is easy to destroy, but a greater challenge to build. If you were builders you would have taken the challenge and built up the countries you came from. But that is not the kind of values you have, nor the intelligence in your minds.

Know the difference between builders and destroyers. Builders will always be able to build even though accidents and misfortunes occur. Destroyers will never be able to build because they've never been, nor would ever be able to build. They can only destroy. They might create things, but they have created them only for the purpose of destruction, not for enhancing.

It is the elite in the diversity movement who are the intelligent destroyers in America. Using the down trodden as sacrificial animals, making it appear they are not! They are the controllers and manipulators on the path of destruction. Acting like innovators, creators, developers, all in the disguise of cold-blooded destruction artists. Felt their wrath my entire life

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Alireza Fatemi Scum Gang Bangers Saying 'I See You'!

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Iranian Sandnigger 
When Are You Going  
To Be With
Your Sandnigger Fuck?

Seriously Think
I Have Been Living On The Streets 
For Over 15 Years
Seeking Love? 
Your Not Only Stupid
This Is A Radical
DEATH Threat On Your Life!

There Is Not One Person On Earth I Am Living In Hell For

Stupid + Coward = A whole lot of stupid cowards

plural noun: cowards
  1. a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.

Watch what you did to my life because of your stupidity, inaction, terrible decisions, choices,  . . . watch. None of you could endure unpleasant things for a day, let alone years upon years. If you really think I got game you are wrong! 

  • Go hang out with the shit that has and still is destroying you
  • Allow the shit that has and still is destroying you, to fuck you up some more
  • Let the shit that burns your stuff down, burn more of it down or someone else's
  • Go hang out with the shit that kills your family and friends
  • Go hang out with the shit setting you up for their evil
  • Go act like it is all rosy while they destroy more and more
  • Turn the other cheek for them to slap the other
  • Turn a blind eye to the evil so they can do more evil
  • Be nice to the evil destroying and ruining you
  • Be nice to the evil setting you up
  • Act like they are not fucking you up, right in your face
  • Act like they are not robbing you blind
  • Act like they are not ripping you off . . .
And watch how it all works out for you

"Evil, not value, is an absence and a negation, 
evil is impotent and has no power
but that which we let it extort from us."

"The standard of value of the Objectivist ethics - the standard by which one judges what is good or evil - is man's life, or: that which is required for man's survival qua man.

I saw that evil was impotent - that evil was the irrational, the blind, the anti-real - and that the only weapon of its triumph was the willingness of the good to serve it.

The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles. 

In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit."

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Evil

The Greatest Joke Of A Fuck Show On Earth, I Mean It!

plural noun: cowards
  1. a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.

Most Individuals Don't Take Serious Problems, Seriously

Thinking serious problems are a joke, is the real joke. It is shocking to think many in this fuck show are consumed with being super-hero's, thinking I am out here seeking love, or that I give a rats fucking ass, about what I look like, while I live in the evilest fucking HELL!

What I look like will not sustain my life, unless I want to go into a relationship and give my mind to another and become a worthless object. Trust me I will never do that. I don't give a fuck about what I look like, my mouth is a mess that requires enormous amount of fixing, that will be painful!

You worried about what I look like, because you think we shall be in a relationship and I will be your rag doll? Good fucking luck with that! I AM a woman of the mind, NOT the heart, NOT what I look like, Not to please you, Not to use you, Not to be your slave, Not to be your property, . . .

I would be worried what my mind, thinking and reasoning believes you deserve: to be blown the fuck up to smithereens, ruined, obliterated, destroyed, . . . and absolutely don't deserve one more day of enjoyment. The ONLY thing many deserve is the wrath of full-blown destruction and death!

Take that seriously, because I am not, nor have I ever been out here playing games with evil people, or anyone for that matter. I started seeking personal justice in 2005, this has been going on since probably 1979, it's 2018. I told an abusive Iranian Muslim to get out of my life in 2005!

The philosophy I live by, you ONLY get, one precious life on earth. Been living in enormous hell most of my precious life. I've taken the issue of a violently abusive Iranian Muslim, the wife he lied about and his gang seriously since 2005! While the world called me every name in the book.

The one reason for my fight has been personal justice, for my specific situation. Not world justice, or any other justice. Trust me I want that personal justice. And the man who I told to get the fuck out of my life, does not tell me what the justice is, or who deserves justice.

Everyday I am swarmed, surrounded by the Iranians gang of varmints, who think we are friends and they are relevant to my situation. The hoodlums carry symbols on bags indicating the next good American to take down, because they don't like the good, the producer, the achiever.

Most importantly while the gang of evil viciously, violently destroys and kills the good Americans, they live off of free governmental housing, in free governmental shelters, get free governmental relief money, free food stamps, free medical, . . . all the while destroying the good!

But they don't only live in governmental housing, shelters, . . . they also reside in low income housing to mansions! They work in stores, corporations, restaurants, own businesses,  . . . and are part of the gang of evil. They come from varying income levels, races, religions, cultures.

While the gang of evil is ruining your individual life, family, city, state, business, country, . . . they are setting up others for their evil. Using Americans to destroy Americans. Clamoring England is the villain destroying America and Americans, Not Iranian Muslims, but Iranians are destroying.

Acting stupid, playing stupid, with evil is utterly fucking STUPID and I mean that. I am not playing games with any single person on earth with what you did to my life. Understand! You might run shows, but I do not agree with this fucking shit and you don't run my fuck. UNDERSTAND!

This is an address to every person in this fuck show. You don't own, nor run my life. If you think I am doing this for you to be in a relationship, I WILL KILL YOU! I'd never in my life do something like this for love, more importantly never been out here for love and never will be in love.

There is no one on earth I would ever define as a super-hero, EVER! Especially all in this fuck show, who are enjoying their life, while I live in hell another year. FUCK YOU! Take this seriously. I ain't into your fuck in any manner. I think you are STUPID and I mean it with conviction.

Not only are you stupid, you play games in serious situations enjoying life, while someone who has been enduring hell for a long time gets pummeled all day, everyday. Fuck you! I've said it so many times: if their is something serious, you sure as fuck don't act like it is serious.

Friday, August 17, 2018

What The World Did To My Life In 2018 - Enjoying Theirs

  • Am I in a relationship with you? 
  • If so, who the fuck are you? 
  • What kind of relationship did I consent to, with you? 
  • A trader? 
  • Or did you just assume we are in a relationship, without consent? 
  • Did I give you permission to be part of solving my problems? 
  • When did I give you that permission?
  • Did I say I wanted to be your partner?
  • Did I say I wanted to be your friend? 
  • Did I say I wanted to work for free for you?
  • Did I say I would be your slave?
  • Did I say I would be your sacrificial animal?
  • Do you respect me like a human being?
  • Or do you think I am an indestructible robot who can endure anything?
  • Did I ever tell you to get out of my and you did not?
  • Then why the fuck are you still in my life?
  • Who gave you permission to be back in my life?
  • I do not have game with any individual on earth. 

Alireza Fatemi and Meghan Markle Know Suriya Khan?

- Suriya Khan Mastroberti board member at Laguna Food Pantry

Alireza Fatemi and Meghan Markle is Suriya Khan Mastroberti in the gang of evil? Couple days after the Meghan's Royal Wedding Suriya was working at the food pantry and talking about how beautiful Meghan looked among other things. It made me think that she knew Meghan personal by what she was saying. My first meeting with Suriya I suspected she knew Alireza and Meghan.

I had worked at the Laguna Food pantry at least a year, never met Suriya until this year. But my first meeting my radar antennas were like snitch for the gang of evil. It was her name! While I live on the streets in the state and country I was born in. Get up at 5 AM walk three miles to work and earn a little food and three miles back into town, three days a week. Carrying all my belongings.

I wonder if Suriya if I am correct also knows or is related to Sadiq Khan over there in England? If you are a board member at a food pantry, participating in this kind of situation, you do not care about the less endowed. You put good Americans on the streets with Iranian terrorists. You're an accomplice to destroying good American women's lives. If so, you've no business at the pantry.

Suriya I told Alireza Fatemi the Iranian who blatantly lied to me about not being married the second encountered I had with him, to get out of my life in 2005. I had already told him in the summer of 2004 the same thing, but he continued to control and manipulate me. 2005 was a nasty message, which he them left one on my machine claiming he was married.

"You are a loser and will always be a loser, my wife and I are coming after you and lets see who can fuck with who." Not sure your relation to Alireza Fatemi, relative, good friends, business associate, or what the connection is, but Alireza Fatemi and Meghan Markle are stalking terrorists who belong in prison. If you think this is acceptable behavior and not a crime I will do it to you!

Individual Rights Means: Man's Right To Live For Himself

Individual Rights

The Right to the Pursuit of Happiness means man's right to live for himself, to choose what constitutes his own private, personal, individual happiness and to work for its achievement,

so long as he respects the same rights in others

It means that Man cannot be forced to devote his life to the happiness of another man nor of any number of other men. It means that the collective cannot decide what is to be the purpose of a man's existence nor prescribe his choice of happiness.

Since Man has inalienable individual rights, this means that the same rights are held, individually, by every man, by all men, at all times. Therefore, the rights of one man cannot and must not violate the rights of another. 

For instance: a man has the right to live, but he has no right to take the life of another. He has the right to be free, but no right to enslave another. He has the right to choose his own happiness, but no right to decide that his happiness lies in the misery (or murder or robbery or enslavement) of another. The very right upon which he acts defines the same right of another man, and serves as a guide to tell him what he many or may not do.

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Individual Rights

I am so physically, mentally, emotionally ill from such crazy making while living on the streets. Dealing with Iranian predators that pitted everyone against me. Now are twisting the story around they did not pit anyone against me, nor did they destroy my life, but are my hero's and saviors. It is amazing I still am able to think, after dealing with irrational insanity 24/7 for so many years. I'm barely alive, exhausted from being around crazy, terrible sleep patterns, the entirety of the show.

- I will either take justice into my own hands or get the justice I demand and deserve.

Don't Join The Wrong Group/Movement To Do Something

"Anarchism is the most 
irrational, anti-intellectual notion ever spun 
by the concrete-bound, context-dropping, whim-worshiping fringe 
of the collectivist movement, 
where it properly belongs."

I Am A Trader, Not A Warrior, Slave, Or Sacrificial Animal

Trader Principle

"The trader and the warrior have been fundamental antagonists throughout history. Trade does not flourish on battlefields, factories do not produce under bombardments, profits do not grow on rubble. Capitalism is a society of traders - for which it has been denounced by every would be gunman who regards trade as "selfish" and conquests as "noble.""

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Trader Principle

But also understand traders have a right in their self-defense to stand up to warriors who are on a rampage for conquests. After what Iranians did to my family and world, I would have no problem blowing their country Iran, to pieces. It would give me great joy and pleasure to obliterate it! I say that knowing there are good Iranians who hate this evil I am talking about also, but the bad evil Iranians make me want to destroy Iran, after this hell of hell.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Trader Principle Vs. Second-Hander Parasitical Leeches

Every single person in this fuck show 
is a leech, a parasite and fucking EVIL!
Would not, nor could EVER respect you!

Trader Principle

"The symbol of ALL relationships among [rational] men, the moral symbol of respect for human beings, is the trader. We, who live by values, not by loot, are traders, both in matter and in spirit. A trader is a man who earns what he gets and does not give or take the undeserved. A trader does not ask to be paid for his failures, nor does he ask to be loved for his flaws. A trader does not squander his body as fodder or his soul as alms. Just as he does not give his work except in trade for material values, so he does not give the values of his spirit - his love, his friendship, his esteem - except in payment and in trade for human virtues, in payment for his own selfish pleasure, which he receives from men he can respect. The mystic parasites who have, throughout the ages, reviled the traders and held them in contempt, while honoring the beggars and the looters, have known the secret motive of their sneers: a trader is the entity they dread
- a man of justice.

~ Above found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Trader Principle


"After centuries of being pounded with the doctrine that altruism is the ultimate ideal, men have accepted it in the only way it could be accepted. By seeking self-esteem through others. By living second-handed. And it has opened the way for every kind of horror. It has become the dreadful form of selfishness which a truly selfish man couldn't have conceived. And now, to cure a world perishing from selflessness, we're asked to destroy the self. Listen to what is being preached today. Look at everyone around us. You've wondered why they suffer, why they seek happiness and never find it. If any man stopped and asked himself whether he's ever held a truly personal desire, he'd find the answer. He'd see that all his wishes, his efforts, his dreams, his ambitions are motivated by other men. He's not really struggling even for material wealth, but for the second-hander's delusion - prestige. A stamp of approval, not his own. He can find no joy in the struggle and no joy when he has succeeded. He can't say about a single thing: "This is what I wanted because I wanted it, not because it made my neighbors gape at me."

~ Above found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Seond-Handers

noun: leech; plural noun: leeches
  1. 1.
    an aquatic or terrestrial annelid worm with suckers at both ends. Many species are bloodsucking parasites, especially of vertebrates, and others are predators.
  2. 2.
    a person who extorts profit from or sponges on others.

    "they are leeches feeding off the hardworking majority"

verb: leech; 3rd person present: leeches; past tense: leeched; past participle: leeched; gerund or present participle: leeching
  1. 1.
    habitually exploit or rely on.

noun: parasite; plural noun: parasites
  1. an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.
    • derogatory
      a person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return.

If You Believe I Am Into This Leech Crazy Show Watch

"[Second-handers] have no concern for facts, ideas, work. They're concerned only with people. They don't ask: 'Is this true?' They ask: 'Is this what others think is true?' Not to judge, but to repeat. Not to do, but to give the impression of doing. Not creation, but show. Not ability, but friendship. Not merit, but pull . . . Second-handers have no sense of reality. Their reality is not within them, but somewhere in that space which divides one human body from another. Not an entity, but a relation - anchored to nothing . . . The second-hander acts, but the source of his actions is scattered in every other living person. It's everywhere and nowhere and you can't reason with him. He's not open to reason."

- Howard Roark, Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

This Quote Is As Relevant As It Gets For This Fuck Show

They want to tell you something is serious and has been for a long time. But their actions are not serious. They play games with those they fuck and are in relationships with. They act like there is a war, but are cowards about it. They add fucked up reality shows on top of something they claim is a war, but is a playground of crazy making. While they enjoy their life and I live in HELL!

I don't give a fuck if this country goes to shit after what you did to my life. You are all out of your minds to think, this is acceptable for my life anymore. You sure as fuck could never force people to do anything, let alone understand. All you enjoying your life are the one's destroying America. Negligence is wicked ass evil. Fucking over it. This is fucking ludicrous!

I'm Living In HELL, While You Enjoy Life? Fuck You!

Rather put a bullet in my head 
than spend a second with any fuck on earth!

It is sick and disgusting what human beings think, just one person should endure. Trust me I am over this fucking shit. There are a grotesque amount of human beings that I would never spend a second with. You seriously think I give a fuck if a child is being raped right now? I've been living in hell for so long I don't, never will give a fuck if a child is being raped after what you did to my life. 

President Trump I promise you I am over this shit show. Queen Elizabeth I am over this shit show. World I am over the entirety of this shit show watch! None of you respect human beings and more importantly good human beings. Go support, protect and allow evil to fuck you up some more. Over every person on earth. 

If you seriously think I am living in hell to be pummeled everyday for your fuck, you are ignorant. Its blood-curdling what shit fuck people think of themselves. If you let this shit go on this long, you are the problem. It is pathetic what the stupid, ignorant, lying, negligent, incompetent, cowards all think of themselves! 

Do you seriously think I am or have been doing this for your fuck? You are COWARDS! I mean that. Not only cowards, viciously negligent regarding a good persons life. Fucking over it. I am sitting here living in hell while you enjoy life, because you were stupid, negligent in your affairs, kill me! I hate you all. It is sick what you all think of yourselves and I mean ALL!

Every person in this fuck show is someone I would never want shit to do with fucking ever. Get me, ever! But keep thinking of your self importance. Fucking over you all. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

So over Alireza Fatemi's gang bangers talking shit about President Trump and saying he is going to be impeached, while enormous amounts of Americans along with those in England, allow the evil man Alireza Fatemi to ruin them. His gang of derelicts, terrorists, thugs, gang bangers,  . . .

Negate Individual Rights For Social Rights It's NO 'Rights'


"Both "socialism" and "fascism" involve the issue of property rights. The right to property is the right of use and disposal.

Ownership without control is a contradiction is terms: it means "property," without the right to use it or to dispose of it.

In this respect, socialism is the more honest of the two theories. I say "more honest," not "better" - because, in practice, there is no difference between them: both come from the same collectivist-statist principle, both negate individual rights and subordinate the individual to the collective, both deliver the livelihood and the lives of the citizens into the power of an omnipotent government - and the differences between them are only a matter of time, degree, and superficial detail,"

- "such as the choice of slogans by which the rulers delude their enslaved subjects."

~ Above found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Socialism

Socialism Dumb's Down Individuals For The Elite Socialist


"Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good.

The essential characteristic of socialism is the denial of individual property rights; under socialism, the right to property (which is the right of use and disposal) is vested in "society as a whole," i.e., in the collective, with production and distribution controlled by the state, i.e., by the government.

Socialism may be established by force, as in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - or by vote, as in Nazi (National Socialist) Germany. The degree of socialization may be total, as in Russia - or partial, as in England. Theoretically, the differences are superficial; practically, they are only a matter of time. The basic principle, in all cases, is the same.

The alleged goals of socialism were: the abolition of poverty, the achievement of general prosperity, progress, peace and human brotherhood. The results have been a terrifying failure - terrifying, that is, if one's motive is men's welfare.

Instead of prosperity, socialism has brought economic paralysis and/or collapse to every country that tried it. The degree of socialization has been the degree of disaster. The consequences have varied accordingly.

When you consider socialism, do not fool yourself about its nature.

- Remember that there is no such dichotomy as "human rights" versus "property rights." 

No human rights can exist without property rights. Since material goods are produced by the mind and effort of individual men, and are needed to sustain their lives, if the producer does not own the result of his effort, he does not own his life. To deny property rights means to turn men into property owned by the state. Whoever claims the "right" to redistribute" the wealth produced by others is claiming the "right" to treat human beings as chattel."

~ Above found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Socialism

Alireza Fatemi
I Told You To Get Out
Of My Life In 2005
This is a Threat

I only control my life and I have never been out here living for one other person, not one. But there sure are many people that think I am. I am not! I am an egoist in the absolute sense. I know why I have been out here living in utter hell. Not for love. 

If Americans want to let you destroy them, pummel them, take over their businesses, their cities, their states and country, . . . that is their choice. I don't! Been fighting you for a long time and you shall never have the opportunity to tell me shit, I hate you!

Alireza Fatemi and gang have been given a free slate to go on rampage after rampage. What this does to an evil individuals mind is make them as brazen as they get, thinking what they are doing is right, not wrong with the twisted version of it being wrong, but they did not do it.

They initiated the right actions that were really wrong, and now shall blame the English Royal family for the wrong of their right actions. The actions were right in the fight to advance Islam, but wrong for those they initiated them against because they want to set up the English Royal family.

All their actions are for the advancement of Islam, in the disguise of setting up all those they are destroying and using to set up for the destruction, all in the name of Islam. It is all for Islam, while blaming others in the greatest fuck show on earth.

A perverted demolition show of destroying America, Americans, England, . . . all in the name of Islam but setting up Americans for destroying Americans, that they want destroyed. They want to destroy America and England using their citizens to accomplish the goal. All in the name of Islam!

Terrorists Destroyed My Life, You Are NEXT!

I find it bizarre first off that Omar Siddiqui who was running for congress, made it prominent to express his credentials as an FBI adviser. Why? Because something is grotesquely wrong in Orange County, California. What is wrong? An enormous amount of those listed on the FBIs terrorist list, reside right in Omar's backyard. Is Omar connected to them, I don't know. But Omar has no business being affiliated with the FBI, nor making it known he is an adviser with the FBI. Because something does not add up.

Secondly Omar's first sentence in the why he was running is this,

"E Pluribus Unum: "Out of Many, One" 

It was Abraham Lincoln who said, 

"A house divided against itself cannot stand." 

My questions to Omar:

  1. Under sharia law Non-muslims are not equal to muslims, if you adhere to sharia law you cannot claim "Out of Many, One." That is belligerent to do so. 
  2. How many court cases have your represented in America that abide by sharia? 
  3. Have you ever represented a Non-muslim as a lawyer? If not why?
  4. In my personal view the above are metaphors, for their opposite meaning.
  5. The devilish maneuvers of outright deception are beyond negligent Omar.
  6. A perfect example of why the American public must stop being gullible. 

After the life of hell I have been living in the state and country I was born in, I must address the Islamic community in America. I have felt the wrath of Iranian muslims and others basically my entire life. I did nothing to the Islamic community, nor did I know what a muslim was until 9/11. Take my words with conviction. If you are in America to turn us backwards, take us over and implement sharia, I am your worst enemy. This is serious. I've been living in primitive hell to long. 

I'm not going to say all Muslims are in America for that reason, but I am fairly certain a great many are. Honesty is important, I understand taqiyya well. If you intend to play stupid and act like you are not in America to take us over, but are, it won't work out well. I've been viewing the show for awhile, watching twisted shows of false patriotism from ice cream cones draped in American symbols, to individuals wearing USA clothing, . . . all in the disguise of a false facade of bullshit. 

But the most important evidence I have, is my personal experience of violently being destroyed by Muslims. Muslims who pitted my family, friends, country against me. It's spine-chilling they now believe, they shall be my saviors. That is what they think, not what I think. It's blood-curdling when I walk by these creatures, what they think of themselves. Trust me I don't and never will have the same opinion of them. Creepy as fuck. 

- How the hell are you going to take over America and England this way, 
is my question to you varmints?

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

"There has never been a shortage of people
eager to draw up blueprints for running other people's lives."
An American economist and social theorist, 
Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University

Nothing Made By Man Had To Be - It Was By Choice

"Nothing made by man had to be: it was made by choice."

Metaphysical vs. Man-Made

"Man's faculty of volition as such is not a contradiction of nature, but it opens the way for a host
of contradictions - when and if men do not grasp the crucial difference between the metaphysically given and any object, institution, procedure, or rule of conduct made by man.

It is the metaphysically given that must be accepted: it cannot be changed. It is the man-made that must never be accepted uncritically: it must be judged, then accepted or rejected and changed when necessary. Man is not omniscient or infallible: he can make innocent errors through lack of knowledge, or he can lie, cheat and fake. The man-made may be a product of genius, perceptiveness, ingenuity - or it may be a product of stupidity, deception, malice, evil. One man may be right and everyone else wrong, or vice versa (or any numerical division in between). Nature does not give man any automatic guarantee of the truth of his judgments (and this is a metaphysically given fact, which must be accepted). Who, then, it to judge? Each man, to the best of his ability and honesty. What is his standard of judgment? The metaphysically given.

"It is the man-made that must never be accepted uncritically."

The metaphysically given cannot be true or false, it simply is - and man determines the truth or falsehood of his judgments by whether they correspond or contradict the facts of reality. The metaphysically given cannot be right or wrong - it s the standard of right or wrong, by which a (rational) man judges his goals, his values, his choices. The metaphysically given is, was, will be and had to be. Nothing made by man had to be: it was made by choice."

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Metaphysically vs. Man-Made

Muslim Brotherhood
Stalk American Women

Women Right Advocates Think This Is Acceptable?

If the below is acceptable to you for one instance
you are not someone I would trust, respect, or want shit to do with, EVER!

  • Men or women who blatantly lie about not being married? 
  • Men or women after lying about not being married, radically threaten the person they lied to, that they and the spouse they lied about would and were coming after them.
  • Saying exactly this: "You are a loser and will always be a loser, my wife and I are coming after you and lets see who can fuck with who." - Said by the stalking terrorist in 2005
  • When you went to this persons residence your car was keyed.
  • After you met this person, your credit cards were compromised, even on your birthday for a $400 dinner in LA at a Asian restaurant.
  • You realized this person and his gang were stalking and destroying your life before you met them in 2004, probably since 1979.
  • That this person could have been someone from your past, maybe in high school or lived across the street from you when you were in 11th and 12th grade.
  • That this same person you never introduced to your father, had your father threaten you to forgive this man you had not seen in over 10 years and if you did not forgive him, it would not turn out good. 
  • After trying to seek help from as many places as possible to no avail, you went to this man's brothers house, and he threatened me and also had one of his cop friends, threaten me. 
  • Then again this man Alireza Fatemi who I had not talked to in over 10 years contacted me by phone, and called me a loser again and threatened me again. (Not sure how he got my number, but it proves he follows me in every area of my life and privacy 24/7)
  • The laundry list of this evil show on my life is surreal, but just the above is not acceptable to me for one instance, not fucking one
  • The sickest aspect of this entire evil show on my life, is now this evil terrorist and his gang think they are my hero's and saviors. How fucked up is that shit?!?!

What has happened in my life
is one of the greatest sharia crimes in the world against a female
I am an American female. 
If you think I am kidding when I say this, I am not. 
I want my fucking justice!

Monday, August 13, 2018

American Women Right Advocates

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Queen Elizabeth I Have Some Important Things To Dicuss

I'll Be In 
To Meet
You And The 

I would not be writing you this letter for an urgent meeting, but feel it is in the welfare of your family and countries. Would initially like a meeting with you, and then a meeting with You and Meghan Markle after we rummage through a laundry list of issues. I am not trying to set a record with getting to meet you fast as a joke, a fraud,  . . . but as an individual who has been dealing with shysters. Charlatans that have nothing better to do with their one precious life, than terrorize the good. I am an American woman and I don't tolerate this kind, I want to get things real straight.

I live by the philosophy of 'Trade' and deal with others as traders trading value for value. In 2004 an Iranian shiite muslim lied to me about not being married and then threatened me with the wife he lied about to destroy my life. I believe Meghan Markle is either that wife, a relative, knows this Iranian, but I definitely think she's connected to him. I've never met Meghan Markle, never gave Meghan Markle permission to be an investigator for anything, ever. Meghan is the type of woman I despise. She's not a woman with values, she's a deceptive serial liar and terrorist.

She has her gang of evil in California stalk me trying to indicate the English Royal family sleeps with kids and human trafficks. I don't know these people and I don't want to know them. They are all liars, trouble makers, con artists, frauds, . . . and bad evil people. Many own businesses in the town I am living on the streets in, and act like they own this place. They're absolutely the nastiest people I have ever encountered. I despise them more than the Saudi Prince MBS could despise them. I am fairly certain they have been in England with their demolition show also.

They have disguised their show for a long time. They are two-faced mother fuckers. They believe I am and have been their slave. They have no idea what a 'Trader' consists of. They think they are my saviors after wickedly destroying my world and family. They can think that all they want, but they are not my saviors. It is such a nice thought though for them right now. But that is all it consists of. I am so exhausted from this challenge that I have been trying to resolve to no avail. But I have always known I am 'Right' and that's why I would not back down.

I find it bizarre that Meghan really thinks after I have lived on the streets for 15 years, we are the best of buds. Unfortunately that is the delusional and demented thinking of these creatures. It is their thinking, but not all individuals have the same thinking. Meghan is the stupidest woman to think I am living in HELL for her. She has never met a woman of the mind before, but she shall. That is when reality will bitch slap her like no other. And trust me I want to bring that reality to her face more than you could imagine. I don't play games with individuals like Meghan, understand!

Saturday, August 11, 2018

You A Miscreant Whose Greatness Comes From Others

"He didn't want to be great 
But to be thought great."


"Men have been taught that the ego is the synonym of evil, and selflessness the ideal of virtue. But the creator is the egoist in the absolute sense, and the selfless man is the one who does not think, feel, judge or act. These and the functions of the self.

[Peter Keating is] paying the price and wondering for what sin and telling himself that he's been too selfish. In what act or thought of his has there ever been a self? What was his aim in life? Greatness - in other people's eyes. Fame, admiration, envy - all that which comes from others. Others dictated his convictions, which he did not hold, but he was satisfied that others believed he held them. Others were his motive power and his prime concern. He didn't want to be great, but to be thought great. He didn't want to build, but to be admired as a builder. He borrowed from others in order to make an impression on others. There's your actual selflessness. It's his ego that he's betrayed and given up. But everybody calls him selfish.

Isn't that the root of every despicable action? Not selfishness, but precisely the absence of a self. Look at them. The man who cheats and lies, but preserves a respectable front. He knows himself to be dishonest, but others think he's honest and he derives his self-respect from that, second-hand. The man who takes credit for an achievement which is not his own. He knows himself to be mediocre, but he's great in the eyes of others. The frustrated wretch who professes love for the inferior & clings to those less endowed, in order to establish his own superiority by comparison."

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Selflessness

Prince Harry Meghan Markle Also Married To A Terrorist?

Prince Harry I did not realize the English Royal family believes in Polygamy? But are you aware that your wife Meghan is also married to an Iranian Islamic terrorist. The same terrorist who thinks I am his slave and wife also? Perverted as it gets. Alireza Fatemi and Meghan Markle think they have us in bondage in a distorted demolition show they have rolling around the world.

I don't believe in marriage, so its a nice thought to think I am your wife and slave, but not reality and never would be reality for these terrorists. I understand the contorted ability of beasts like the one's I have been dealing with. Wicked Charlatans, who give the impression of beauty, virtues, values, . . . all in the disguise of vengeful jihadis on a war path to destroy free societies.

Yes Prince Harry a wicked charlatan bit you and your family. But I am fairly certain that is not the first teeth gouging, from this gang of evil on the English Royal family. These spiteful villains have been in the shadows for some time in England and America, acting like charming advocates for the ideas like freedom, rights, love, peace, . . .  but are the two faced terrorists of the world.

I'm A Trader, Not A Slave, Nor Sacrificial Animal For You

Traders never become fodder for the irrational brutes in the world. The kind of twisted creatures I am dealing with are those who come from foreign countries that have been sabotaging America and Americans while acting like the greatest patriots in the world. I HATE and DESPISE this kind!

Right now these varmints are trying to take down America and Americans in a corrupt spectacle of bone-chilling magnitude. What these beasts think of themselves is raunchy. They'e trying to take down all virtuous American businesses and Americans, with the impression they are great!

"Consistently playing Stupid
Is Stupid."

It's repulsive to watch these miscreants slim around town, knowing the nature of their identity. I am living on the streets while you enjoy life, and then you show up and tell me whats up? I am not that kind of woman. I would never in my life live as a slave or sacrificial animal for you, EVER!

I have had no privacy for so long. I have been dealing with crazy, irrationality everyday all day for so long while living on the streets, watching people enjoy life. I am not desperate, there is nothing desperate that I want but my justice and my abusers don't tell me what that consists of. 

Alireza Fatemi You're An Iranian Terrorist, Not A Trader

- Meghan Markle know the Owners of The Greeters 

Alireza Fatemi and Meghan Markle (who is married to Prince Harry) are a married Islamic couple. They have been going around the world gang stalking and terrorizing individuals, families, cities, businesses, states, countries, . . .  destroying, killing and ruining them. 

In 2004 Alireza Fatemi stopped his car in San Clemente, California when I was walking down towards the beach, to manipulate me into a false friendship. I was gullible and gave this creature my phone number and he called me and I went to his beach front apartment that evening. 

A week later I went to his place for the second time, when entering his apartment asked if he was married, he said "NO!" After two and a half months of a very strange deal, I told Alireza Fatemi I did not want to see him anymore. He kept calling and playing games with me. 

In June 2005 I received a message from Alireza Fatemi after leaving a nasty message on his machine to STOP contacting me. His message, "You are a loser and will always be a loser, my wife and I are coming after you and lets see who can fuck with who." 

I realized Alireza Fatemi was gang stalking me prior to the meeting in 2004, probably since 1979. I believe Meghan Markle could have been the wife he was talking about in 2004. I wouldn't doubt there are many Islamic women who are terrorists, tag teaming with Islamic men in America. 

Married Islamic couples who are terrorists faking relationships with male and female Americans all for the mere purpose of destroying them. But that is just a tidbit of this gang of evils malice, violence, destruction, dismantling, disorganizing, disrupting, . . . that's wrecking havoc in America!