Sunday, July 15, 2018

Zillion $ Question - Can You Make Me Do Something?

Can you make me listen to you?
Can you make me go hang out with you?
Can you make me have anything to do with you?
What can you make me do?
How can you make me do it?
Can you make me be in your gang, group, club?
Can you make me get in a car with you?
Can you make me live in a house with you?
Can you make me look at you?
What can you make me do?
How can you make me do it?
Can you make me care about what you care about?
Can you make me want your help?
What can you make me do?
Can you make me trust you, believe you?
What can you make me do?
How are you going to do it?

I'm sitting here waiting in the greatest fuck show on earth, how I shall be made to do something?