Saturday, July 28, 2018

Only Seeking Justice And Paid For What I Have Earned

If you think I am out here for some other reason, we are not on the same page. I have only been out here seeking justice for my personal life and issues, and also being paid for what I have earned. If you think I am seeking a relationship of any nature or to join a group, you don't have the same thinking and goals as I do. Few people I would ever associate with, after this fuck show.

The thought of kissing someone makes me vomit. The thought of dealing with another person in a relationship after this fuck show, makes me want to be dead. Had enough of crazy relationships for the rest of my life, long ago, would never be interested in dealing with another persons issues. All I have been seeking is justice, paid for what I have earned and enjoying my single normal life.

All, every single relationship is based on consent. If you are an advocate especially for the rights of women, that is one of the most important sentences. Otherwise you advocate for collectivism and the individual has no right to their life and choices. Any woman involved here thats protecting the Iranian I told to get out of my life in 2005, advocates for collectivism, not individualism.

If women right advocates truly believe this is what a woman should endure to be in a relationship, she does not want, they are more primitive, than those in most countries. I find it so bizarre that women right advocates in America, have an Iranian terrorist and his gang running them around, believing what this terrorist says, is truth, valid, facts,. . .!

I would like to think that the American women right advocates have finally gotten a first hand experience at dealing with terrorists and gang bangers. Finding out they are not nice individuals and that you must be stern with them, and make sure they understand punishment comes with consequences. Most importantly that this is a major problem in America, stop being nice!