- You didn't give a fuck about America, I did. Fuck you all!
"Thinking is a delicate, difficult process, which man cannot perform unless knowledge is his goal, logic is his method, and the judgment of his mind is his guiding absolute. Thought requires selfishness, the fundamental selfishness of a rational faculty that places nothing above the integrity of its own function.
A man cannot think if he places something - anything - above his perception of reality. He cannot follow the evidence unswevingly or uphold his conclusions intransigently, while regarding compliance with other men as his moral imperative, self-abasement as his highest virtue, and sacrifice as his primary duty. He cannot use his brain while surrendering his sovereignty over it, i.e., while accepting his neighbors as its owner and term-setter."
~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Thought/Thinking
"Man's mind is his basic means of survival - and of self-protection. Reason is the most selfish human faculty: it has to be used in and by a man's own mind, and its product - truth - makes him inflexible, intransigent, impervious to the power of any pack or any ruler. Deprived of the ability to reason, man becomes a docile, pliant, impotent chunk of clay, to be shaped into any subhuman form and used for any purpose by anyone who wants to bother.
Power-seekers have always known that if men are to be made submissive, the obstacle is not their feelings, their wishes or their "instincts," but their minds; if men are to be ruled, then the enemy is reason."
~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Reason
How are you going to make me care about something, after what you did to my life, while you thoroughly enjoyed yours? Mother fucking how? Ask yourselves that every fucking day. I mean this I don't give a fuck what happens to anyone or anything, not after what you did here.
I don't give a fuck about America you need to find some slave and sacrificial animal that does. Trust me what you are doing and have been doing, I promise you I do not give a fuck. Going to put this in print. America and Americans need to get real about what the fuck I am saying here.
- I don't give a fuck if every kid in America is violently raped, tortured and murdered for what you did to my life. Get real fucks.
- I don't care what happens to America, for what you did to my life, get real fucks.
- I don't give a fuck about anything, you were grossly negligent in this fuck show.
- I don't give a fuck if you all die and are destroyed, get real fucks.
- Every single person in this fuck show is the reason why this country has become a shit fuck hole. I don't give a fuck about America, and neither did you.
- While you sit here and play games with black niggers like Meghan Markle who is an Islamic terrorist, enjoy your life and go on vacations, I live in hell and have been for a long time. I don't give a fuck! Get real royal ass family. You can fuck with each other, but you are fucking with me also. I hate all of you, especially the black nigger Meghan!
- While Meghan Markle has her stalkers, stalk me in Laguna Beach, California trying to indicate Prince Harry puts his dick in kids, she runs around looking all glamorous and important. Meghan Markle is an Islamic terrorist, not a decent human being!
- The only way Meghan Markle, Alireza Fatemi, Amal Clooney can be famous is by setting others up for heinous crimes such as sex acts with kids. They are terrorists!
- America I promise you do not put it past me to do something so over your lies. I mean that so over the fuck show. I do not care about America!
- The women right advocates in America are the stupidest fuck on earth! Must be said!
You should have cared long ago, that is on you not me. Wake up and get real!