Thursday, July 26, 2018

Alireza Fatemi The Iranian Gang Stalking Terrorist

Guess who showed up at the grocery store this morning while I was there returning my recycles that I dig out of nasty trash cans, while I live on the streets? The same little Iranian lady that was there about a week ago buying cleaning products. Driving a white jeep Cherokee license 7XOY751. Was at the grocery store between 7-7:30 AM so there is video of her shopping there.

They swarm me when I do recycle, thinking they are so relevant to my life and world. Can you fucking imagine. I have been living on the streets in a car, or without a car close to 18 years. While muslims instantly get a lawyer for social justice issues, I still do not have a lawyer in America, the country I was born in.

Last night the police came to talk to me about my yelling, and when they left I said the show will be over soon and end with fireworks. One of the officers said fireworks are illegal. Trust me all these fucks on the FBIs list strolling around your town enjoying life and you want to tell me about being illegal? Let me laugh!!!

While I sit in the library and listen to Alireza Fatemi's gang bangers talk about a new revolution, when they have been destroying and killing their entire lives. Felt this gangs hell since 1979. And you all laughed at me, snickered at me, called me a bigot, a racist, a discriminator, a loser, lazy, liar, . . . While Meghan Markle who recently married Prince Harry, has her gang stalk me trying to indicate The English Royal family is the problem.

Alireza Fatemi is Meghan Markle a relative, girlfriend, or wife? Alireza Fatemi Is Amal Clooney a relative, girlfriend, or wife? Alireza Fatemi any evidence that you know or have known Meghan Markle, or Amal Clooney, or any of their family or friends? Alireza Fatemi the Iranian who has been gang stalking me and destroying my life since 1979. Alireza Fatemi do you know Yaser Said and his family?

- FBIs most wanted: Yaser Said


Yaser Abdel Said is wanted for his alleged involvement in the murders of his two teenaged daughters. The girls died of multiple gunshot wounds on January 1, 2008, in Irving, Texas.
- I know the hell these two beautiful young ladies lived in. HELL
The father that killed them stalks me while I live on the streets!

*Saw Yaser out this morning taking a walk on the boardwalk. Yaser works and lives in town. Saw Yaser's sister out this morning also. She usually walks every morning, coming in from the canyon, goes to the boardwalk and heads south down the beach. Yaser's brothers own Adonis. The whole family lives and works in town. Go buy another gyro from Adonis and contribute to this family while I live in hell. 

Yaser Said sister started stalking me at a Toastmasters group, now stalks me on the boardwalk