Saturday, July 14, 2018

I Am After Gang Bangers, Terrorists & Criminal Orgs

Dangerous gang bangers, terrorists and individuals who belong to large criminal organizations who I have been dealing with, have many on a wild goose hunt. The dangerous, not donald duck candidates, are who I seek. You can chase after mickey mouse, I know who I am after!

Alireza Fatemi is a TERRORIST, not a decent human being. I got no game with this terrorist, nor anyone in his gang or terrorist organization, none! The movie going on is not a Disney film. It is a story about vicious, violent, brutal, evil individuals. Their aim to torture, kill and terrorize others!

While childish American journalists write articles of non-sense about President Trump, they are cowards to not write about devilish gang bangers and terrorists. Unlike the brave journalists in Mexico who never back down, but unfortunately end up dead reporting on such scum fuck evil.

I have been living a life of hell for a long time, too long to change course to some easy paved road. I don't care what you have to say, unless you are someone I think is relevant which very few are. Most of you are not relevant, but you sure think you are.

Most of your shit only makes a mind more crazy, and that is why you are not relevant. Because what you have to offer is not a value to survival, it only messes with a good persons mind, that has already been dealing with an enormous challenge and stress.

There are degrees of errors and you must be able to identify them. I don't play games with evil. Especially when evil has rampaged my life since 1979. I don't let evil run my mind, life, choices, decisions, or tell me what has happened. They are not my investigators, nor legal advisers.

They have been and only will be my enemies. Individuals who declared a war on my life, behind my back. I don't turn the other cheek, or forgive them, nor forget their evil actions,  . . . I demand my justice for such a radical hate crime against my life.