Monday, July 23, 2018

I Hate America, Americans I Could Never Forgive Them!

I hate America and Americans because of their gross negligence on my life regarding an Iranian Islamic terrorist and his gang. I have been yelling since 2005 about a violently abusive Iranian, it is 2018 and I am over living in hell while you enjoy life.

-You do not deserve to enjoy life and I mean that with conviction

But you are enjoying life at my expense because of your stupidity. What makes me really fucking mad is you laughed at me, snickered at me, called me a bigot, a discriminator, liar, lazy, loser while I lived in hell and was gang stalked by evil terrorist.

Not only that you dished out money to people who did not deserve it and are and were part of the problem, but never paid me what I earned. Shame the fuck on you! You still have not been able to identify an emergency because of your ignorance

Every single person involved in this fuck show is the destroyer of America. But more importantly of the really good Americans, while you ignore the evil terrorists. Never taking any actions towards the evil, none, utterly none. And you think I give a fuck, or should about America?

The depth of evil on my life in this fuck show, while you all enjoyed life, is WRONG! Wrong because I made the right choices, you made terrible choices. I could not forgive you for how this was handled. You can't tell people to think, but the depth of thinking here, was ludicrous!

- I hate America, I don't give a fuck about America, not a fuck!