Thursday, July 12, 2018

Diversity Terrorists Use/Abuse Those, They Claim To Help

The leaders in the diversity movement know what they are doing. Acting like they 'Care' but the reality is, they 'Don't.' The vulnerable are easy prey for their show. When illiterate, predators can make you think gifts are gold, but when literate, the menial hand outs they entice you with are nothing, compared to what you could earn on your own. You are just a pawn, a tool, for their aim and purpose. They seek a negative kind of power, making you a dependent on their deception.

A person like myself who knows the diversity and multicultural terrorists are not in your best interest, looks like the bad person. But the reality is, I know the potential of human beings and it does not come with instant gratification and a few morsels that do not provide you with the sustenance for happiness, rights, nor prosperity. It comes under a false disguise of an easy life, with the stamp of an obedient slave! These fools only see you as an object, not an individual.

Diversity and Multiculturalism are anti-concepts. Those who do not agree with those running the shams are against the concepts, not people. And those against the concepts are not using and abusing others, to gain power. If you need to become popular, a politician, a leader, by grossly misleading others, you are a tyrant, not to be trusted or respected. Fraudsters give the illusion they are helping, offering you free stuff. The reality is, they are controlling and manipulating you.