Sunday, July 22, 2018

Either Slay The Silencers By Not Obeying, Or Be Silenced

Founding Fathers

"The basic premise of the Founding Fathers was man's right to his own life, to his own liberty, to the pursuit of his own happiness - which means: man's right to exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself; and that the political implementation of this right is a society where men deal with one another as traders, by voluntary exchange to mutual benefit."

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Founding Fathers

It is 2018 I have been yelling about a radical infringement upon my rights, in a country founded upon freedom close to 250 years ago. Are you going to continue to be silenced, by the diversity and multicultural terrorists? I will not! Many of you took the bait hook line and sinker, but you have the choice to change course. By moral default they got you with your heart, made you feel sorry, guilty for a show they created for personal gain that has nothing to do with freedom and rights.

I address those that might think I have been issuing a warning with validity, to really think about what I have been saying. Don't let the silencers tell you I am a bigot, discriminator, hater, because I want my justice. It is time to tell the silencers justice matters! In America women are equal under law, we are not fourth class citizens like women are defined under sharia. I want my justice from what an Iranian Muslim did to my life. He belongs in prison for life.

What I have been stating must and I say must be taken seriously in America. Before it is too late. It must start to be addressed radically. Not in silence, but in radical form. I'm not joking when I say this. A bold message should start being circulated, we're not going to be silenced because of your traditions, culture, religion, whatever,  . . . No we are going to get loud and radical about this. And you can call us all kinds of names, they are not relevant, freedom and rights are relevant!