Sunday, July 15, 2018

Important: I Will Never Be In A Relationship Ever Again

This needs to be said everyday, but it only needs to be said once. I will never be in an intimate relationship ever again. Understand world! I don't give a fuck about anything but my own personal life, happiness, choices, decisions and most importantly the justice I deserve and demand!

What that means is, if you have infringed upon my rights, I don't give a fuck about you, but I want my fucking justice. It means that any individual who has had their hands in my life, hacking my computer, stalking me, destroying my life, you don't matter, but I want my justice.

If you are in my life for what ever reason, and you think I am seeking a relationship, you are gravely wrong. I barely would even consider friendships. I don't control shows, but I have full control over every aspect of my life. If you think you are my friend, who are you? Did I consent?

Sure is nice thinking someone is in your gang, group, club, and you don't communicate with them. They might never want to communicate with you, except with vulgar rhetoric and profanities. But keep the delusion and illusion up, that we are the best of buddies. It is not reality.

I have witnessed the creepy side of human beings. It is so amazing what many think themselves to be. How pure, sacred, good, trust worthy, honest, moral, . . . . they  consider themselves to be, but are not! Been yelling since 2005 and some guy thinks he is rad. Let me puke and vomit!

I find it weird that irrational fucks think they are my investigators and legal advisers, but I have utterly no say, I live on the streets, they do not communicate with me rationally, but they know better than I do? What the fuck? You think I am a child, slave, not a human being.

Not only do they think they know better than I do, when I acknowledged a problem, they truly believe I am worthless, an object to be obedient, that their knowledge is what I should believe without my own rational thinking process. Can you fucking imagine.

Profanity is a must in this fuck show! Trust me I am the only authority over my life, mind, choices. Do you really think I am sitting here waiting for serial liars, the incompetent, the negligent, the cowards to show up and tell me what the fuck to do or what has gone on? Do you? Stupid!

There is a huge difference between a heroic being and a superhero. Do you understand the difference? You can't force people to understand, they must want to. Takes much learning, effort, thinking, to be able to differentiate between a heroic being and a superhero. Philosophy matters!