Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Did You Help Create Dependent Thugs Who Are Savages

Multiculturalism and Diversity have been the savages to America and American industry. They have viciously high jacked platforms, political microphones, corporations, government offices, towns, states, . . . by entitlement terrorists. The leaders of the entitlement terrorist organizations, have gone on rampage after rampage, making you feel guilty about not feeling sorry for others in specific situations. Especially those from countries, who haven't contributed to liberty in America.

The only contribution these entitlement terrorists have contributed is to the utter chaos, confusion, dismay, dismantling, disorganization, misrepresentation, . . . of what the true nature of  "rights' consists of. They have pawned off "true rights" for a monkey circus of "entitlements." All at the expense of good Americans like myself. And when a good American like myself who graciously welcomed foreigners realized what was going on, she stopped being fooled by deceptive fools.

Never did I consider being an activist. But when I realized what was going on and all those pitted against me, I had to be. Why? Because I believe that my life belongs to me. I have always been a independent woman. Never did my family teach me to be a bigot. But trust me, I am not politically correct and have no problem addressing some with vulgar profanity. They do not deserve respect, only contempt. I don't give values to those who don't deserve them, but you can.

If you have been negligent towards your own personal affairs at the cost of others hammering you over the head with multiculturalism and diversity, it is not the time to act like you care, about those who have been destroying you behind your back. Its time to get radical and stop adding fuel to the fire. It is time to be honest. Honesty is not only about being moral. It is time to be honest with those, who like to manipulate others, to get something they do not deserve, nor did not earn.

If you think dishing out goodies to others, that did nothing to deserve them is beneficial to their life, survival, well-being, happiness, prosperity, . . .  you are gravely wrong. This is not how you create, self sufficient, independent individuals. It is only how you create dependent thugs. You do a gross disservice to every aspect of their individuality this way. You are the kind of person that needs to understand co-dependency, is an addiction, not beneficial to successful individuals.

But many want success, votes, fame, power, . . . all at the expense of dumbing down others, creating docile, obedient, repeat parrots, who cannot and will not think on their own. If you cannot think on your own, you won't be able to survive on your own. This is the mockery going on within the multiculturalism, diversity and free handout bonanza. Power lust individuals who prey on the weak, using the strong and creative, to gain a non-value giving the impression they are a hero.