Saturday, July 28, 2018

Alireza Fatemi Thinks He Is The Special Elite, NOT!

"The political philosophy of collectivism is based on a view of man 
as a congenital incompetent, a helpless, mindless creature 
who must be fooled and ruled by a special elite 
with some unspecified claim to superior wisdom and a lust for power."
~ Ayn Rand

~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Collectivism

But the reality is you and your gang bangers are delinquent derelicts who come from other countries that are complete shit holes, thinking you shall tell Americans how to live and run theirs. When you did nothing for the countries you came from, but dissed them. And all you have done in America is destroy and terrorize it. You don't deserve, nor belong in America or on planet earth!