Friday, July 6, 2018

See Something, Say Something - Traitors In The FBI?

"FBI Our Vision

Ahead of the threat through leadership, agility, and integration.

FBI Our Mission 

To protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

FBI Our Priorities

  • Protect the United States from terrorist attack
  • Protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations and espionage
  • Protect the United States against cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes
  • Combat public corruption at all levels.
  • Protect civil rights
  • Combat transnational/national criminal organizations and enterprises
  • Combat major white-collar crime
  • Combat significant violent crime . . ."
~ Above found @: FBI

How many in the FBI can say with honesty, you uphold what is stated above? After what I have been through, the amount of times contacting you, it is evident traitors exist in the FBI. How many exactly and who they are is another question. There are definitely traitors in the FBI who protect foreign terrorists, gang bangers and criminals who belong to large organized criminal operations. 

If Americans cannot trust those who are supposed to protect us, we have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. I have sent numerous letters to the FBI regarding an Iranian I firmly believe is a terrorist, to no avail. Whether this Iranian has exceptional personal connections to those in the FBI, or indirectly, if you are or have protected this man, be warned.

I don't want you in the FBI! This is serious. If you have been reading my emails, stalking me, terrorizing me, my family, friends, you stalked and terrorized the wrong individual. Understand? I never gave Alireza Fatemi, nor any of his associates in the FBI, or any other government office the authority to investigate anything, nor stalk me, hack my computer, terrorize me. 

I have been living on the streets for a very long time, and have done nothing to bring to the attention of the FBI, that would make me a suspect of something. I am a victim of those you support and protect. Alireza Fatemi and his gang are the ones that should be constantly and consistently followed. They should have been put under a microscope long ago, not me!

I have evidence of how long I have been talking about this Iranian. Proof that I have been trying to remove this Iranian from my life. Blogs about it, going to police stations, contacting the FBI, going to stalking organizations, protesting, contacting lawyers like Gloria Allred and others, contacting women's organizations and the list goes on . . . .

I am not claiming that all individuals who work at the FBI are traitors, but I do want to identify the ones that are. The specific one's pertaining to my situation. Those that support and protect, foreign terrorists, gang bangers and large criminal organizations that have been ripping my life to shreds since 1979. I want these individuals held accountable for their actions against my life

If you do work in the FBI, solemnly swore to uphold your duties, have been the exceptional, this note is not directed towards you. Be warned, the traitors I'm talking about, don't like those that have those traits. They're a charmingly deceptive patriot, with great hate for America, Americans, Freedom, and Individual Rights. They're the anti-life only about destruction and death!