Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Started Seeking Justice In 2005, It Is 2018, I Don't CARE

I am an 'I' not a 'We' and this situation is exactly why someone like myself cannot get justice in America. Perfect example of the why of it all. My life does not belong to any collective. I am not in a Star Wars fuck show. If you truly believe I give a fuck about America, Americans or the world I promise you I don't!

Now go enjoy your life, really go enjoy your life, while I live in fucking hell! Why am I living in fucking hell? Why don't I have a lawyer in the state and country I was born in? Why are you solving a problem you did not acknowledge and also supported and protected? Ask yourselves that everyday. Ask yourselves why in fucking hell I should care, while you enjoy life. I don't!

- I promise ALL I do not have any game, none.  

It is so disgusting the entire fuck show. Glad to see Ruby at coffee this Wednesday morning, you can let Ruby know I won't be showing up at coffee anymore. She can hang out at the circle everyday from now on, she won't see me there. I got better things to do with my life. Not out here to be a leader, that's why I have no problem writing shit that wouldn't allow me to be a leader. 

All I have been trying to do since 2005 is seek a lawyer to remove an Iranian from my life, so I can be a productive individual. Iranians don't own my life, nor run my life, nor tell me shit. They are not my problem solvers, investigators, lawyers, advisers, . . .  They are gang stalkers, that destroy and terrorize good Americans. That is all these Iranians do, with Asians and others. 

- Iranians are the reason I am angry at America and Americans