Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Its Illegal To Recycle Cans/Plastic - But Legal To Be Illegal

Bizarre that begging for money and things in front of stores is legal, but putting your hands in nasty trash cans to recycle cans, plastic, . . . and walk miles to turn them in for cash, to earn money is illegal. Bizarre that showing up at the boarder and demanding entry into the United States, asking for financial assistance from the government is legal, but putting your hands in nasty dirty trash cans to recycle, is illegal.

My parents never taught me to be a bigot. I went to school in Southern California with many Mexicans, never did I have a dislike for them, or anyone from other cultures. Foreigners are the ones that started a war on my life behind my back in 1979. Everyday I live like this the hate I have gets more radical. Don't ever tell me how to behave, or how to feel after this evil insane situation.

- Jose Antonio Barroso

The Mexican guy this morning that hangs out at coffee and looks like he is on the FBIs list did not like my sign, "Illegal To Recycle, Legal To Be Illegal." I never in my life terrorized or stalked a Mexican! How many Mexicans terrorize Mexicans every day? Mexicans terrorize their own kind. Mexican journalists are killed for writing about the evil Mexicans do, to others Mexicans.

It is a crime to recycle and earn money by your own production while enduring a challenging situation. They would rather have you become dependent on the social system of general relief and food stamps, or begging for money than going around in one of the most eco-environmental towns and recycle plastic and cans to earn your own money. They say it is disturbing the beach goers peace to recycle, but begging them for money does not disturb their peace. Bizarre!