Monday, July 2, 2018

I Changed My Mind Radiclly About My View of The World

Random Thoughts Looking Back
By, Thomas Sowell
Dec. 27, 2016

"If you want to understand the fatal dangers facing America today, read "The Gathering Storm" by Winston Churchill. The book is not about America, the Middle East or nuclear missiles. But it shows Europe's attitudes and delusions - aimed at peace in the years before the Second World War - which instead ended up bringing on that most terrible war in all of human history.

Black adults, during the years when I was growing up in Harlem, had far less education than black adults today - but far more common sense. In an age of artificial intelligence, too many of our schools and colleges are producing artificial stupidity, among both blacks and whites.

You cannot live a long life without having been forced to change your mind many times about people and things - including in some cases, your whole view of the world. Those who glorify the young today do them a great disservice, when this sends inexperienced young people out into the world cocksure about things on which they have barely scratched the surface.

When I was growing up, we were taught the stories of people whose inventions and scientific discoveries had expanded the lives of millions of other people. Today, students are being taught to admire those who complain, denounce and demand. . . . "

~ Read entire article @: Jewish World Review

* The Gathering Storm: A view on Winston Churchill's pre-war years and the daring lengths to which he went to warn the British people of the threat posed by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime.