A Worldwide Directory Of Predators ------ We Do Not Forgive ------ We Do Not Forget ------ We Demand Justice ------We must identify individuals who are predators upon innocent lives. Is your predator, preying on others in different cities, states, countries? Are you dealing with one stalker, or a gang of stalkers? We are a citizens watch group.
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Justice is Justice, Social Justice Is A Negative Justice
"Conceptualization is a method of expanding man's consciousness by reducing the number of its content's units - a systematic means to an unlimited integration of cognitive data.
A concept substitutes one symbol (one word) for the enormity of the perceptual aggregate of the concretes it subsumes. In order to perform its unit-reducing function, the symbol has to become automatized in a man's consciousness, i.e., the enormous sum of its referents must be instantly (implicitly) available to his conscious mind whenever he uses that concept, without the need of perceptual visualization or mental summarizing - in the same manner as the concept "5" does not require that he visualize five sticks every time he uses it.
For example, if a man has fully grasped the concept "justice," he does not need to recite to himself a long treatise on its meaning, while he listens to the evidence in a court case. The mere sentence "I must be just" holds that meaning in his mind automatically, and leaves his conscious attention free to grasp the evidence and to evaluate it according to a complex set of principles. (And, in case of doubt, the conscious recall of the precise meaning of "justice" provides him with the guidelines he needs.)
It is the principle of unit-economy that necessitates the definition of concepts in terms of essential characteristics. If, when in doubt, a man recalls a concept's definition, the essential characteristic(s) will give him an instantaneous grasp of the concept's meaning, i.e., of the nature of its referents.
~ Found at Ayn Rand Lexicon - Unit-Economy
Justice is justice. Social justice is not justice. Social justice is a perverted way of overruling real true justice. The social justice scene has wiped out real justice for many, while rewarding evil and punishing the good. Social justice has become the stamp of justice, and for a person like myself who has been screaming for real justice since 2005, I have a real negative attitude towards social justice advocates and their platform. Why? YOU made it difficult, to get proper justice.
Not only have you made it difficult to get proper justice, you walked by me and laughed, you snickered at my injustice, you didn't give a fuck about my justice, you ripped signs from me regarding my justice, . . . all the while claiming you are advocates for justice, people and that you CARE! Some of us know with great conviction, you don't give a fuck about real justice. The kind of justice you care about, is the kind that protects the zero, the evil, while making you a hero.