Saturday, July 21, 2018

I Am Over Watching People Enjoy Life - Be Scared!

This good American is over this fuck show, and now I am Americas worst enemy. Fucking over you all. Nothing would, or will register in incompetent, negligent minds, but trust me I don't give a fuck about anything. Not a fuck. I don't care if all those who have thoroughly enjoyed life die, are destroyed, burned down, fucked up, I don't give a fuck!

I am not on anyone's team. You have allowed a man and his gang to continue this fuck show, and I am over ALL, every single person on this earth! Many think one specific individual should endure a grotesque amount of evil insanity, and you are terrible judges to a persons well-being. All day, everyday people swarm me with non valued bullshit, terrorizing my life and mind!

When I write here and talk about Death to America and England the Iranian pops up things in agreement, while he runs around telling the world England is the destroyer? He gets so excited when I say Death To America, but then he says it is England who is the problem to America? What the fuck! There is evidence that he agrees to Death to America, while blaming England!

I hate everyone because of this Iranian who has been terrorizing my entire life. I hate this Iranian and would love to kill his ass right this second. Would love to torture this Iranian viciously and violently for a long time, until the mother fucker is DEAD! This is a death threat on him!

I Hate America
Death To America, England, The World

The above are metaphors for the people who have been destroying my life and world. I have been seeking justice since 2005 for their actions and hatred towards my life. Americans have called me a liar, lazy, loser, crazy, insane, get a job,  . . .! But when I hold signs with these messages, I am hated, told to get out of this country, . . .! But they don't tell those who really do hate America to get out of this country. They reward them, hand them money, bend over backward for them, protect them from bigotry, discrimination,  . . .! Can you fucking imagine!

Whatever you think is acceptable for someone else's life, it is acceptable for your life. Never, ever forget that. If you think someone should endure something but not you, you are a terrible fucking human being and I would never want shit to do with your fuck. You better understand that!

It will never cease to amaze me that because of others stupidity for years on end, someone else has to suffer. And now they think they are entitled to solve the problem! Can you fucking imagine. If you are disgusted by my profanity here, profanity is mandatory in this fuck show!

Think I am looking for love? When are you going to show up to find out why the fuck I have been living in hell? Be ready to be viciously and violently attacked when you do show up!