Thursday, March 23, 2017

What is the Nature of a Creature in Which...

Ask Yourself:
What is the Nature of a Creature
in Which the Sight of a Value Arouses
HATRED and the Desire to Destroy?

- Ayn Rand

"Consider the full meaning of this attitude. Values are that which one acts to gain and/or keep. Values are a necessity of man’s survival, and wider: of any living organism’s survival. Life is a process of self-sustaining and self-generated action, and the successful pursuit of values is a precondition of remaining alive. Since nature does not provide man with an automatic knowledge of the code of values he requires, there are differences in the codes which men accept and the goals they pursue. But consider the abstraction “value,” apart from the particular content of any given code, and ask yourselfWhat is the nature of a creature in which the sight of a value arouses hatred and the desire to destroy? In the most profound sense of the term, such a creature is a killer, not a physical, but a metaphysical one—it is not an enemy of your values, but of all values, it is an enemy of anything that enables men to survive, it is an enemy of life as such and of everything living..."
Envy/Hatred of the Good for being the Good @: Ayn Rand Lexicon