Monday, March 13, 2017

The U.S. is Moving Away From Patriarchy - Islam is NOT

%41 Of First Marriages End In Divorce
%60 Of Second Marriages End In Divorce
%73 Of Third Marriages End In Divorce

"A shocking exposé of the inner workings of the $50 billion a year U.S. family law industry, Divorce Corp shines a bright light on the appalling waste, and shameless collusive practices seen daily in family courts. It is a stunning documentary film that anyone considering marriage or divorce must see..."

Read and watch videos @: Divorce Corp

- Found @: Yes Magazine

"In 2009, for the first time in U.S. history, single women outnumbered married women. Just as same-sex marriage rights upended the traditional hetero-patriarchal notion of marriage, women have been challenging it by asserting their willingness not to marry at all. According to All the Single Ladies author Rebecca Traister, "Across classes and races, we are living through the invention of independent female adulthood as a norm, not an aberration."

1. Marriage by itself doesn't improve economic prospects:

2. Women earn more when they don't get married:

3. Choosing a spouse from less-educated candidates is costly to women.

4. They're not marrying just to have a baby.

5. Everyone benefits when unmarried women vote.

Read complete infographic @: Yes Magazine


  1. a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome.

    "they described the outbreak of violence in the area as an aberration"

    synonyms:anomaly, deviation, departure from the norm, divergence, abnormality, irregularity, variation, digression, freak, rogue, rarity, oddity, peculiarity, curiosity, quirk;
    "a statistical aberration"
    • Biology
      a characteristic that deviates from the normal type.