Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Females in The Middle East Could Be Lashed, Imprisoned or Killed, Protesting The Forced Hijab! American Muslims Cling To It, Want Americans To Understand, What Many Muslim/Non-Muslim Females in The Middle East Don't!

Muslim students across America have been passing out headscarves, buttons and information sheets to their non-Muslim peers to promote understanding — in defiance of fears that their activism could invite hostility or harassment.
While World Hijab Day is officially celebrated on February 1, many Muslim student groups chose to celebrate it later in February or in early March.
The aim, as numerous students told USA TODAY College, is to raise awareness of Muslim culture and bolster solidarity.
Marya Ayloush, a junior at UCLA and member of her school’s Muslim Student Association, was the primary organizer of Hijab Day at UCLA. She said she was motivated to organize the event because she wanted to give students an opportunity to “stand in solidarity” with their Muslim peers.

"It's no doubt that Muslim women are the most targeted among Muslims because we are outwardly representing the religion,"  Ayloush told USA TODAY College. “Unless we are able to educate people about it, and give the an opportunity to stand in solidarity, then we’re on our own.”
Read entire article @: USA Today


After 38 years of a radical HATE crime against my life and being gang stalked by Muslims, I do not agree, with the above article. Also knowing the enormous amount of females living in Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran... who have been protesting against the mandatory hijab, niqab, abaya, burqa... I stand in solidarity with those females and their right NOT to be forced, to wear the Islamic religious clothing.

After the HELL, abuse, torture, destruction and crazy making, I have endured for 38 years, the religious symbols and clothing of Islam trigger me immensely. The emotions that arise from Islamic symbols, is that of outrage, anger, injustice, oppression, suppression,... They make me want to go up to these individuals and scream at them, rip them off their heads. They are very disturbing to me, after the evil abuse, destruction, torture and hell I have personally endured, at the hands of Muslims.

It seems that the majority of Muslim females in America are hell bent on conforming to the same tradition, customs and laws from the countries they came from. When many Arab Muslim and non- Muslim females in the Middle East, are protesting for their true RIGHTS, regarding their choice of clothing, careers, husbands, partners, lifestyle... and could be imprisoned, lashed, killed asking for those rights.

Ihan Omar, recently won a seat as a Representative, for the state of Minnesota.  A Somali Muslim who came to America as a child refugee, after leaving Somalia (a country on the ban list) where she lost everything, time and time again and then went to another country before finally arriving in America and what does she do. She wants to adhere to the same values and principles of her original country, that treated her like SHIT!

Now she wants to BASH America and Americans, because she is a Muslim. Do you see the trail of bullshit. She left a country where Muslims were destroying her and her family, but she will never say a bad word about Muslims or Islam. Ihan Omar only has bad things to say about America and Americans, who welcomed her, helped her and her family become productive and prosperous,... Now Ihan is a Representative, for Minnesota.

Do you think Ihan Omar would have EVER had the opportunity in Somalia, to be a leader, let alone leave her home as a female? Hell fucking NO! Right now there is a wicked famine in Somalia and individuals are dying every second.

This is the repeat story of  Muslim refugees and the majority of Muslims that come to America. They came from HELL and want to bring the same HELL here. I have first hand personal experience with this HELL and it is pure cold blooded evil HELL!