Tuesday, March 28, 2017

CU Boulder Grad, Human Rights Activist Ahmed Mansoor, Arrested In The UAE For Defaming The UAE On Twitter... Dissent & Blasphemy Of Islamic Dictatorships & Islam Is Punishable By Lashing, Prison & Death No Peace In Islam

- Above photo found @: BBC

"A group of U.N. experts is calling on the United Arab Emirates to immediately release a leading human rights advocate, saying his arrest was a "direct attack" on the work of rights defenders.

Three independent experts with the U.N. human rights office in Geneva also on Tuesday demanded information about the whereabouts of Ahmed Mansoor, saying his secret detention in the UAE puts him at the risk of ill-treatment and torture.
Mansoor received the prestigious Martin Ennals Award last year for bringing attention to arbitrary arrests, concerns of torture and issues around the independence of the judiciary in the UAE..."
Read entire article @: Fox News

- Above photo and article found @: DeHavelle

"University of Colorado graduate and human rights advocate Ahmed Mansoor has been detained in the United Arab Emirates and is being investigated for cybercrimes that include criticizing the government on social media sites, according to a government statement published on Tuesday.
The state-run WAM news agency reported that the Public Prosecution for Cybercrimes office had ordered Mansoor's arrest and that he will remain imprisoned pending an investigation into his alleged crimes.
The Dubai-based Gulf News said Mansoor is being accused of defaming the UAE on Twitter and Facebook, publishing false information about the country to damage its reputation abroad and promoting sectarianism. He is also facing charges that he encouraged people through social media to disobey UAE laws.
He was imprisoned in 2011 after being convicted of "insulting officials" and banned from traveling abroad due to his advocacy.
Human Rights First's Brian Dooely said in a statement that this most recent arrest is "frightening, given what we know about the treatment of those in custody in the Emirates..." 
Read entire article @: Daily Camera


- Above book found @: Amazon

"This new Beck book, published August 18, 2015, is an indication of the evolution of Glenn Beck on Islam.  He’s not quite to full bloom “getting it”, but he’s a lot closer.  Several years ago Beck was more on the side of” radicals” and “terrorists” being an aberration of Islam – that most followers of Islam, Muslims, are good, decent people.  No reason not to trust them.

Now his new book paints a different picture, at least of Islam, if not of Muslims.
Beck invokes the lessons about Islam learned by Thomas Jefferson.  Sure, Jefferson owned a Qur’an which gave him a theoretical introduction to Islam.  The Marines Hymn’s reference to the halls of Montezuma and the shores of Tripoli are Jefferson’s “trial by fire” introduction to the reality of Islam as practiced in real, ugly, deadly life.

This time around, Beck portrays Islam as the religion, the ideology, that promotes terror and intolerance.  But his listing of the lies promoted by Islam’s defenders fall short in several areas.  These include, most notably, the Islamic cultural practice if not beloved doctrine of taqiyya (dissimulation, lying, and deceit),  the doctrine of abrogation, cultural pressures in the Islamic communities, the continuing use of the term “radical” as a habitual and mindless modifier of “Islam”, and the reformability of Islam.  These omissions are discussed in greater detail a bit later in this overview.

But first, here are the best parts of the book, the chapters that will benefit the politically correct, brainwashed masses the most.  Beck presents these topics as a series of lies about Islam.  He devotes 4 to 8 pages to each one.  But here is the abbreviated version of each:
Lie #1: “Islam is a religion of peace, and Islamic terrorists aren’t really Muslims.”

Lie #2: “Islam is not much different than Christianity or Judaism.”

Lie #3: “Jihad is a peaceful, internal struggle, not a war against infidels.”

Lie #4: “Muslims don’t actually seek to live under sharia, let alone impose it on others; there are so many different interpretations of it anyway.”

Lie #5: “America is safe from Sharia law.”

Lie #6: “The Caliphate is a fanciful dream.”
The Caliphate is a real and achievable objective of the minds of the most devout Muslims.  And assuming a degree of momentum in Islamic conquests, a world-wide Caliphate is absolutely achievable.

Lie #7: “Islam is tolerant toward non-Muslims.”
According to the Qur’an, once a critical mass of Muslim influence and power is achieved within the region they reside, the flip of the switch toward intolerance is required.

Lie #9: “Critics of Islam are bigots.”
This belief is a result of political correctness going to absurd extremes.  We can’t even criticize evil anymore without being called a bigot.  Speaking the truth to the ignorant may seem bigoted to the ignorant, but it is not bigoted if it is the truth.

Lie #10: “Islam respects the rights of women...”

Read entire article @: Muccings
Buy Glenn Beck's Book 'It Is About Islam' @: Amazon