Thursday, March 23, 2017

Luiz Gomez - A Predator To Females With Brain Injuries

"She is 53 and trapped in a facility for the old. Her left arm hangs limply at her side; in the right she cradles a baby doll she named Little Missy. Saliva drips from the corner of her mouth as she talks about her invisible boyfriend.

She speaks with a Southern accent and sounds like a much older woman, partly because of a massive stroke a dozen years ago. So it's jarring when she suddenly switches to the high-pitched, sing-songy voice of a little girl and speaks with shocking clarity about one night in October 2015.

She was living at a different place then -- the Brian Center, a 77-person nursing home on the outskirts of this mountain town.

"I had been attacked, attacked by a man sexually," she tells us, lying in her bed and fully dressed in high-heeled boots, with other clothing and shoes mixed in with her sheets. "I was cornered between a closet and a bathroom, me with one arm. ... I couldn't breathe."

Occasionally, as she recounts her story, she closes her eyes and looks as if she is falling asleep. Then she's suddenly alert again. She's proud of her reputation for being feisty and difficult -- she says she's always being told she complains too much. She recites -- correctly -- the phone number for the state hotline where nursing home residents can lodge their grievances.

It could be tempting to dismiss her story as drug-induced hallucinations or the confusion of a stroke survivor. Police might find her the very definition of an unreliable witness. But she is adamant she is telling the truth.

She says the man who aggressively cornered her that day, sticking his hand up her shirt and fondling her breasts, was a nursing aide named Luis Gomez..."

Read entire story @: CNN


Story after story, of deceptive stalking predators, who knowingly prey on the vulnerable. They methodically plan and plot their demise, whether by themselves, or in groups. But it is obvious, the motivation and intentions, Luis Gomez had. He moved to a new location, to begin a new career path, targeting the kind of individuals he would be working with. Those that had brain injuries, strokes, and it would be hard to prove his infringements upon their rights, because their minds were not fully functioning.

Luiz Gomez's work specifically entailed touching females bodies, taking them to the bathroom, giving them baths or showers,... It gave Luis Gomez the ability to invade a females body, but would be described as his WORK. A scenario and situation that allows a predator to make themselves look like a caring, decent, kind, loving, individual. But underneath the surface, the identity and character of Luis Gomez was that of a deceitful sexual predator, who knew exactly what he was doing. 

After the first couple of complaints they should have installed cameras without he or anyone in the facility knowing. Especially dealing with these kinds of patients, that are very vulnerable to predators and their word being squashed, by the unfortunate circumstances of their health and minds. It is the year 2017 and the evasion of the reality, of the world we live in, is enormous. These kind of individuals are the definition of a coward.