Wednesday, March 29, 2017

This Story Is NOT A Fairy Tale - But A Serious CRIME Tennessee Teacher Groomed Student, Kidnapped Her Using Complete Deception - Might Have Gone To Mexico

"As the manhunt intensifies for a 15-year-old Tennessee student and her former teacher who allegedly kidnapped her, authorities say it's possible the two are in Mexico.
There have been no credible sightings of 50-year-old Tad Cummins and 15-year-old Elizabeth Thomas in the two weeks they've been missing, officials said today.
Cummins, who is accused of kidnapping Elizabeth on March 13, is wanted on allegations of aggravated kidnapping and sexual contact with a minor. An Amber Alert has been issued for Elizabeth.
This morning, Brent Cooper, the district attorney for Maury County, Tennessee, asked members of the public to share the Amber Alert with friends and family members in Mexico and Central America, adding that Mexican law enforcement was notified of the Amber Alert and "it's possible that's where they are."
Cooper said Cummins "planned this in such a way that he had a 24-hour head start ... easily enough time for him to make it to Mexico."

Cooper called Cummins a "religious man" and said "it's possible that he's playing the role of a missionary in that area."
Some have characterized this relationship as a romance. But this morning I want to caution the public to avoid anything that might look or sound like victim blaming," he said. "This is not a fairy tale. This is a case of kidnapping."
He was kind of brainwashing all the kids into thinking he was something he wasn't," Cooper said. "I'm sure all that played into Elizabeth's feelings toward him. It was a complete deception."
"She may not realize she's in danger. She may not realize she's been taken against her will," he continued. "If you see them and they look happy, that doesn't matter. This is a serious crime."
The TBI said that Cummins, who was fired one day after the alleged kidnapping, "may have been abusing his role as a teacher to groom [Thomas] ... in an effort to lure and potentially sexually exploit her..."
Read entire article @: ABC News


It is mind boggling, but reality the number of individuals that would think, the above story is some form of a fairy tale. But after what I have experienced, I have learned there are a shit pile, of dull-witted human beings that live on earth. Many believing my story is some kind of fairy tale, when in reality it is a serious, heinous crime. These individuals live in a form of demented and deranged fairy-tale-land. They need a dose of what they believe a fairy tale is!