Monday, March 6, 2017

Indonesians Trafficked Into Slavery By Fellow Muslims

- Photo found @: The Malay Mail Online

"By Beh Lih Yi 
JAKARTA, March 6 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Dian Permata Sari was determined to escape when she was brought to the maid recruitment office in Saudi Arabia for the sixth time and paraded in front of potential employers alongside 14 other women.
"We were made to stand in a line while the employers pick the maid they like, it was like shopping for goods," said the 19-year-old Indonesian woman.
Lured by an agent's promise of earning 1,500 riyal ($400) a month working as an office cleaner, Sari agreed in November to leave behind her husband and two-year-old son to travel to Saudi Arabia.
It was only when she arrived that Sari found out she had been brought there to become a domestic helper. She was forced to stay in a crowded dorm with hundreds of others, with no job or salary, until she was finally rescued last month.
Sari's case highlights what activists say is a rise in human trafficking cases since Indonesia in 2015 banned women from going to 21 Middle Eastern countries, including Saudi Arabia, to become domestic helpers.
The ban was imposed following a string of abuse cases, but high demand in the oil-rich kingdom has encouraged traffickers to find ways around the curbs.
Traffickers are increasingly using different tactics, such as sending women on the pretext of becoming office cleaners, changing flight routes to avoid suspicion from authorities or paying off their family, rights groups say.
Maids make up more than a third of the 6 million Indonesians working abroad. Cases of abuse and near slave-like living conditions are common..."
Read entire article @: News Trust
Indonesia is a predominately Muslim country. When you think that a third of the 6 million Indonesians working abroad are maids, you realize
#1 Poverty and Primitiveness are rampant in Indonesia a what? Predominantly Muslim country. Muslims are NOT about progress. 
#2 Six million of their citizens have to find work out of the country??? 
#3 This breeds slavery. This breeds a situation where predators, prey on the weak and vulnerable. 
#4 When they do leave the country with or without a ban, they will probably be in the hands of abusers and users. That know they can get away with it. Indonesia banned females from going to 21 Middle East countries, because of the enormous amount of abuse claims from Indonesian citizens, when they went to these 21 countries??? Even the citizens of Indonesia, a Muslim country, know 21 Middle East countries have cruel, wicked, evil Muslims that abuse others.
#5 Especially with women. When your religion says females are fourth class citizen, a dog, a donkey, who must be obedient and submissive to males,  what do you think is going to happen, in your country or out of it? Exactly what the Koran says! 
#6 Especially when you know females live under guardianship, in countries like Saudi Arabia and you are going to Saudi Arabia to work? Do you expect you will be treated differently and probably worse then their own females. Especially when you are going with no skills. But unfortunately these vulnerable individuals are easy prey since they have limited information about the world, other countries and the true evil lurking out there. 
#7 Deceived by individuals of their own what faith "Islam." But it is the great religion of peace and diversity??? Hell fucking NO!!!