- Found @: Blazing Cat Fur
Trust me, I have experienced this action President Rouhani stated above by an Iranian named Alireza Fatemi and his gang. They mean what they say "Death To America," with actions. The town I am living in, on the streets has been watching this 'Death To My Life,' for how long? While they drive their cars, live in their homes, have local businesses in town, work as male parking cops, firemen, in grocery stores, tow truck drivers, taxi drivers, limo drivers... Individuals I did nothing to, that have been stalking me behind my back, since 1979. Odd it is the same year as the Iranian revolution??? The year I graduated high school.
Chanting 'Down With USA'
- Nov, 4, 2016 @: CNSNews
To Many Iranians 'Death To America' Are Just Words
- Nov. 4, 2013 @ GRB Media - NPR
To Iranians in Iran 'Death To America' are just words!?!? But these same Iranians whether living in Iran or America are livid if Americans use derogatory words towards them, their religion Islam, or issue a 90-120 day travel ban, then words and actions MATTER! What do they call you when you challenge their religion an 'Islamophobe'! Claiming you are a racist, bigot, fascist.... Can you imagine, if hundreds of thousands of Americans marched in America and chanted 'Death To Iran and Iranians,' what would happen? We would be instantly vilified! Hypocrisy with many Iranians.
'Death To America & Israel'
Iranians Rallying Against Obama & Kerry
- Feb. 12, 2016 @ Breitbart
To the liberals protesting, screaming, bringing lawsuits in front of judges condemning the 90-120 day ban. Iranians were chanting 'Death To America' when your beloved President Obama was in office, it is nothing new! Look at the above picture of a banner with your cherished President Obama 'Unreliable', being held by Iranians, in Iran on Feb. 12, 2016 chanting 'Death To America'!
The Meaning The Iranians See in The Statue of Liberty
- Nov. 4, 2016 @ Zero Hedge
Asghar Farhadi the Iranian film director who was recently detained at a US airport, due to President Trumps 90-120 day ban, boycotted the Oscars this past week. But his derogatory statements about America/Americans were being spewed when President Obama was in office in 2012. Farhadi made a political statement at the Oscars in 2012, when he won an Oscar for "A Separation," he dedicated his award to Iranians. "I proudly offer this award to the people of my country, the people who respect all cultures and civilizations, and despise hostility and resentment," Farhadi said.
It is blatantly obvious no matter if a Democrat or Republican President is in office in America, Farhadi has a malevolent, scornful, spiteful conviction towards America and Americans. So why is he making movies in America and not in Iran? Would they allow him under the Islamic Republic of Iran, to produce movies of this nature? If NOT, why does he not condemn them?
Last week an 18 year old Iranian female Chess Master played in a tournament, in Britain. She did not wear a hijab, that is compulsory in Iran. Her coach called her act, an act of treason? She was banned and kicked off the Iranian team. I find it repulsive, that Farhadi makes Iran out to be the great diverse country, it is NOT! Females cannot go to sporting stadiums, youth are thrown in prison for music videos, non-muslims pay a tax (jizya) for protection and not being a muslim... Farhadi is a LIAR about Iran respecting all cultures and civilizations!
Read entire article about Asghar Farhadi's 2012 political statements @: CNN
- February 10, 2017
"Iran’s most powerful authority Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had on Tuesday called Iranians to take part in the demonstrations to show Iran was not frightened of American “threats.”
TEHRAN: Hundreds of thousands of Iranians rallied across Iran on Friday to swear allegiance to the clerical establishment following US President Donald Trump’s warning that he had put the Islamic Republic “on notice”, state TV reported.
Carrying “Death to America” banners and effigies of Trump, Iranians in Tehran marched towards the Azadi (Freedom) Square to commemorate the anniversary of Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution that toppled the US-backed shah.
“America and Trump cannot do a damn thing. We are ready to sacrifice our lives for our leader Khamenei,” a young Iranian man told state TV.

Pragmatist President Hassan Rouhani also called on Iranians to join the rally on Friday to “show their unbreakable ties with the Supreme Leader and the Islamic Republic.”
State television said millions turned out nationwide at revolution rallies in all main cities marked by the traditional anti-US and anti-Israel slogans and the burning of US flags.
Read entire article @: LowyatMalaysia
They chant 'Death To America' because President Trump signed an executive order banning immigration into America for 90-120 days, for safety and security measures? There was NO THREAT towards any country, by President Trump. This IS A THREAT, from the leaders in Iran who rallied their countrymen to chant 'Death To America' and be ready to sacrifice their lives for the Islamic republic and the supreme leaders. These threats from Iranian leaders and Iranians, have existed for a long time.
I am living on the streets and have been for 17 years, due to being radically stalked by a gang of Islamic muslim Iranians. Just today my few belongings of a sleeping bag, a couple small blankets, a pair of shoes, fleece vest, shirt, brush, flash light, and a library book were STOLEN. This has happened many times to me, while living on the streets and being radically gang stalked by Iranian muslims. Individuals I did nothing to, who have been destroying my life behind my back since 1979. Alireza Fatemi pitted my family, friends, employers and the country I was born in America against me. You cannot imagine the Islamic muslim fuck show I have been enduring.