Saturday, March 11, 2017

Mae Carol Jemison She Was Born Awsome

"The thing that I have done throughout my life is to do the best job that I can and to be me."
- Mae Carol Jemison, Ebony Magazine, October 1987

Mae Carol Jemison Biography:

"Mae C. Jemison is the first African-American female astronaut. In 1992, she flew into space aboard the Endeavour, becoming the first African-American woman in space.

Her "family moved to Chicago, Illinois when Jemison was 3 years old to take advantage of better educational opportunities there, and it is that city that she calls her hometown."

Throughout her early school years, Jemison's parents were supportive and encouraging of her talents and abilities, and she spent a considerable amount of time in her school library reading about all aspects of science, especially astronomy. 

As she had been in high school, Jemison was very involved in extracurricular activities at Stanford, including dance and theater productions, and served as head of the Black Student Union. 

In October (1985), she applied for admission to NASA's astronaut training program. The Challenger disaster of January 1986 delayed the selection process, but when she reapplied a year later, Jemison was one of the 15 candidates chosen from a field of about 2,000..."

Read entire bio's about Mae Carol Jemison @: &