Monday, March 27, 2017

18-Year-Old Breana Talbott Stages Rape/Kidnapping Hoax? Why? What Was The Real Intention Of Hoax?

"On March 8, 18-year-old Breana Talbott went missing. Her fiancé called the police, saying her car was found in an apartment complex parking lot with her door open and her phone, keys, and a shoe nearby.
Later that night, she walked into a church wearing only her T-shirt and her underwear. She had scratches on her body, and she told people at the church that she had been kidnapped, taken to the woods, and gang-raped by three black men wearing ski masks.
She lied. In a press released posted on Facebook on Wednesday, the Denison, Texas police department announced that Talbott has since confessed her entire claim was a hoax. In a newly-released statement, he police said that they knew something was up after just a few days, because her story started to unravel:
“We believe the crime scene – from the initial ‘kidnapping’ scene at the apartment complex to the point of Talbott’s condition when she walked into the church - were staged,” the statement reads. “Talbott also admitted the injuries to her body were self-inflicted...”
Read entire article @: Yahoo