Wednesday, March 29, 2017

U.S. Study Reveals New Forms of Modern Day Slavery...

- Above photo and stats found @: Haiku Deck

"BOGOTA, March 29 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - From the exploitation of workers in carnivals to forcing people into door-to-door sales, more under-reported forms of modern slavery are emerging in the United States which need to be tackled, according to a report released on Wednesday.

The anti-slavery group Polaris said it had analysed data from 40,000 likely cases of human trafficking and labour exploitation based on calls to a national hotline since 2007 and divided these into 25 different types of modern slavery.
"We found cases of personal sexual servitude where gang members hold someone basically in captivity in their house for purposes of their own sexual pleasure," Myles told the Thomson Reuters Foundation, adding that traffickers had unique ways of recruiting and controlling victims.
The report also uncovered more obscure types of trafficking, involving victims forced to work in acting, choir and dance troupes or made to operate rides and food stalls at carnivals and fairs. It also uncovered children being forced to beg.

- Above photo and stats found @: Haiku Deck

Children who have run away from home, those who have been sexually abused, and those in the care of social services or foster parents, are most vulnerable.
"Manipulative and very predatory U.S. citizen pimps see a market opportunity to re-exploit those already vulnerable U.S. citizen girls and boys," he said.
Read entire article @: News Trust