Wednesday, September 28, 2016

To Bring A Child Into The World & Do This, Is EVIL!

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"When 2-year-old Glenara Bates died, she was 13 pounds — a weight more typical for a 3-month-old.

The day she was killed, prosecutors say her father swung her and slammed her against a door. She cried … and then silence.

The abuse Glenara faced likely wasn’t a shock to county officials in Ohio — she was briefly placed in foster care after she was born in January 2013.

Still, officials placed Glenara back in her parents’ Cincinnati home, where, court records say, she endured abuse at the hands of her parents for the rest of her short life.

"The evidence is clear that Glenara Bates should never have died on March 29, 2015,” Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Rick Gibson said during his closing arguments. “She was literally beaten from head to toes, scars over scars, bruises, abrasions, burns...”

Read entire disturbing article @: The Washington Post