Thursday, September 15, 2016

Faroz Ali, Convicted of Human Trafficking in New Zealand

"Guilty: First human trafficking convictions in New Zealand"

"They were sold a dream: working in New Zealand and earning almost seven times their weekly wages in Fiji.

But, upon arrival into Auckland the false promises quickly unraveled.

They were forced to work illegally for long hours, sleep on the floor of overcrowded basements and were paid little, if anything.

Faroz Ali, 46, was the mastermind behind an elaborate human trafficking scam that enticed and exploited Fijian workers in New Zealand, and was today convicted after a three week trial in Auckland's High Court...."           Read entire article @: NZ Herald



"A unilateral breach of contract involves an indirect use of physical force:
it consists, in essence, of one man receiving the material values, goods or services of another,
 then refusing to pay for them and thus keeping them by force (by mere physical possession),
not by right — i.e., keeping them without the consent of their owner.
Fraud involves a similarly indirect use of force:
it consists of obtaining material values without their owner’s consent,
under false pretenses or false promises."
- Ayn Rand