Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Muslimophobia Understand it - Muslim HATE Muslim!

"Abused during Hajj – Pilgrims recall Saudi Arabia’s ultimate betrayal against Islam"

“I have ben spat on, beaten and punched while performing Hajj. I was called an apostate and an infidel when I turned my face towards the Prophet Muhammad’s last resting place and called for his intercession. I was slapped in Medina as I read my book of duas [religious supplications] in al-Baqee cemetery where Islam’s saints are buried. My real crime? Doing Hajj while Shia” said Hassan al-Wazir, a pilgrim from Yemen in his testimony to the Baqee Organization.

"A sign of the time, and in negation of Islam calls for tolerance, the Saudi regime has called since 2015 for pilgrims to be profiled according to their school of thoughts. Pakistani officials confirmed in 2015 that: “Saudi Arabia will not entertain any Hajj application from aspirants that fail to specify whether the applicant is a Shia or a Sunni.”

Of all the many and grave transgressions Saudi Arabia committed against pilgrims one particularly troubling incident has stood out. Just as millions of pilgrims flocked to the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia senior cleric called for a grand religious cleanse against all those they view as apostates: all non-Wahhabis.

Of course the label non-Wahhabis extend to pretty much every faith, including Islam.

It is violence and the fear of violent repression which more than anything else now rhymes with Hajj. Only this September the Saudi authorities arrested Iraqi Shia scholar “Sheikh Taha” in Mina, sentencing him to 3-month incarceration and 300 flagellations for an unknown reason.

Read entire article @: Huffington Post


My Thoughts: This article is extremely important for so many reasons, on so many levels. It explains the Muslim hate Muslim fiasco, that has been going on since their prophet Muhammad died. The Muslimophobia! The proxy wars, because of the Muslim hate-fest. NOT because of the infidel, or America. Muslims ONLY USE the infidel and America, to fight their proxy wars. Then they twist and turn it all around, blaming America and Americans for their proxy wars.

Muslimophobia understand it!