"Missing the similarities between Corey Haim and Justin Bieber? Just watch Me, Myself, and I."
Photo illustration by Slate. Photo by Getty Images.
"Corey Haim's A-list rapist may finally be named — what took so long?"
"Hollywood's child sex ring is about to be blown wide open, thanks to Corey Haim's deathbed confession"
"A tabloid is reporting that one of Hollywood's most recognizable faces is a child rapist and will soon be outed. Shocking? Yes. Surprising? Hardly. Because former child stars have been talking about this for years.
It was a horrifying moment in one of TV's most oddly compelling reality shows when, on The Two Coreys, Corey Haim broke down revealing he was raped as a kid. After Haim's 2010 death, Corey Feldman elaborated that his friend was raped by a Hollywood bigwig at just 11 years old.
Feldman has been discussing the sick environment of Hollywood child sexual abuse for years, even detailing the abuse both he and Haim suffered in his memoir, Coreyography. Most recently, last spring he told The Hollywood Reporter about parties for preteen actors where predators groom their next victims, and said that he and Haim had attended many. And he's not the only one speaking out..." Read entire article @: She Knows.com