Saturday, September 3, 2016

"Hindu Students Protest Against Burqa-Wearing Muslims"

"Hindu students protest against burqa-wearing Muslims on campus in southern India"

"NEW DELHI — As the world debates whether the burkini is appropriate beachwear, a new fight is brewing in India over burqa-wearing students on college campuses.

This week, some Hindu students began wearing saffron-colored scarves to the classroom in a college in the southern state of Karnataka in protest against the hijab and burqas that Muslim students are allowed to wear on campus.

It all started last week when a pharmacy college in the southern city of Mangalore banned its first-year female students from wearing the hijab or burqa and the male students from sporting long beards on campus.

Almost immediately, the Muslim student group Campus Front of India began protesting the ban, saying the Indian constitution allows them the right to practice their religion.

Groups of burqa-clad students pressed against the gate of the college, shouting slogans and holding placards saying: “We are not silent, we want justice.” Some parents of students joined the protests against the ban as well.

The college responded by ending the ban — angering many Hindu students in the region.

Read entire article @: Washington Post


My Thoughts: It must be nice for the Muslims who live in, want to become refugees in, want to invade countries that have constitutions, that allow the freedom of religion, or not. It is a convenient way for Islam and Muslims who come from countries that do not allow freedom of religion, to enter countries that do. For the mere purpose of advocating, spreading and most importantly terrorizing free countries laws, citizens, business, other religions.......... with Islamic law, called sharia!

This is the double standard and monopoly Islam and Muslims are banking on, to dominate the world. Using free countries and free citizens to further their idea, of the way life ought to be. Which is not about advancement, creativity, development, progress, but living in the past through books written thousands of years ago, that are only about death and destruction. I know there are some Muslims that do advocate for separation of mosque and state, but the majority don't.

It is imperative to understand the why, what, how of Islam and Muslims in the year 2016. To deny, evade, misunderstand this challenge, is a deadly mistake for free countries and free citizens. Freedom is not free, especially when you know the enemy to freedom, has been in your backyard, next door to you, in the next town, state, or heading over from another country, to do it's best to distract, dismantle, destroy and even slaughter you.

There are not many duties in life, but if you believe in Freedom and Individual Rights,
it is your duty to protect them. At this time in history the idea of
'the separation of church/mosque and state',
 is essential to protect Freedom and Individual Rights.