Friday, September 9, 2016

Iran: Women's Activist Bahareh Hedayat Out of Prison

Bahareh Hedayat

"Prominent student activist and women's rights advocate Bahareh Hedayat has been released in Iran after spending more than six years in jail, her husband says. Amin Ahmadian, announced Hedayat's release in a post on Instagram where he said he couldn't believe that she was finally free."....... Found above article @:

Bahareh Hedayat

"The 33-year-old activist is with a group known as the One Million Signatures campaign (also known as the Campaign for Equality), a grass-roots initiative to end legal discrimination against women in Iran.

She was charged with several “offences”, including “interviews with foreign media,” “insulting the leader,” “insulting the president,” and “disrupting public order through participating in illegal gatherings.” ".....    Read story of her arrest and imprisonment @: Amnesty International

Bahareh Hedayat found @: Tavaana

Bahareh Hedayat Vision:

"Over the course of her activism, Hedayat has fought both for Iranian women and against the persecution of the country's academic community. In 2003, she joined the movement against the death sentence of reformist professor Hashem Aghajari, who had been convicted by hardliners in the judiciary for remarks allegedly disparaging of Islam.[9] Aghajari, who had been arrested in August of 2002, was sentenced to death in November of that year in a closed trial. The sentence, widely seen as a hard-line reaction against the reformist President Mohammad Khatami's agenda, touched off the largest demonstrations Iran has seen since July 1999's brutally suppressed student protests....."    Read entire article @: Tevaana

More detailed info about her arrest @: Iran Prison Atlas


My thoughts: Should Americans be able to create and develop the society they want, based on the foundations of the founding fathers and the values of Freedom and Individual Rights. Or should Americans be forced, or coerced into societies that are the opposite of their value system? Is it our duty to commit political suicide, or our duty to protect our values?

It is our duty to protect our values of Freedom and Individual Rights. Should we be able to choose the individuals from other countries that best fit, the society we want to create? Or should we be forced, coerced to haul in any and everyone? I absolutely believe, we have the right to chose those that fit our society. Not those that don't! Especially ones that adhere to societies that hate America, do not want to assimilate, but more importantly want to take us backwards, not forwards.

There are people around the world fighting for freedom of expression, freedom of academics, individual rights,...... that would fit best into our value system. Bahareh Hedayat and others like her are perfect examples.