Saturday, September 10, 2016

1st Acid Attack Conviction In India's History!

"Preeti Rathi murder: Death for India acid attack convict"

"Preeti Rathi, who was 23 when she was murdered, had just arrived from Delhi to join the Indian navy as a nurse.

Her neighbor Ankur Panwar attacked her after she rejected a marriage proposal.

It is the first such sentence for an acid attack in India. Many such attacks go unpunished, campaigners say....."                Read entire article @: BBC


My Thoughts: A hurdle has been accomplished, justice has been served for the parents of Preeti Rathi. But until the laws are changed and more importantly young minds are not ingrained with philosophies of entitlement, these terrible stories will be told. These stories are a sad reality of what entitled boys and men think they get to do, to girls and women. But this is the consistent mentality, psychology, personality and character of the majority of men who come from extreme patriarchal cultures, religions and societies. That a girl, or woman is property and to be rejected by girls, or women gives boys, or men the right to abuse, or kill them.

After finding out that I have been being stalked by a Muslim man for over 37 years, I know what girls and women are up against in the middle east and I am an American woman. My story is a very twisted tale, of a Muslim man claiming he is being stalked by his family and friends, so he gets to stalk me, because he is in love with me. But I told him I want nothing to do with him.

The more you ingrain young minds that a specific gender is the dominate gender and the other gender is supposed to obey, be submissive/oppressed the harder it is, to teach them, what life ought to be. To create/develop societies that are based on a value system of Freedom and Individual Rights, takes specific concepts and knowledge about why these values are important.