Saturday, June 30, 2018

They Did Not Give A Fuck About Me, Only If I Obeyed!

They've had me in a cage for a long time, you walked by me laughing. They've had me in a cage for a long time, you snickered at me. They've had me in a cage for a long time, you did not give a rats mother fucking ass. They've had me in a cage for a long time, you triple beeped the alarm on your car thinking I would steal from you. And you fucking care about others? Let me PUKE!

  • They blame Trump for their choice to fuck and have kids.
  • They blame Trump for those who might have forced them out of their homes and country. 

Who has something to gain in this situation? Those using others for a vote. President Trump has nothing to gain from this situation. Trump does not have these people in cages. Those who want a vote DO! They are pawns in cages for a political agenda, that is based on a philosophy of the slave master mentality, fooling those being used and blaming the President for their shit show.