Wednesday, June 13, 2018

This Is What Alireza Fatemi and His Stalking Gang Do

- Meghan Markle having fun gang stalking good Americans?

"Organized stalking, is not well known to the average member of the public. This paper is to share some of David Lawson's findings so the reader can begin to grasp what appears to be a relatively new type of crime. So new, in fact, that targets of organized stalking have great difficulty getting law enforcement officials to take it seriously."

David Lawson claims that foreign terrorists and "anti-government" groups are responsible for the growing organized stalking crimes.

Right up front, targets of organized stalking report that LIES circulated about the targets are what fuel local hatred for the targets. One of the favorite lies being circulated is that the target is a child molester. This is routinely used against female targets as well as targeted men.

Other lies are that the target has a serious criminal record, or is into the drug trade, or is a prostitute. So for those reading this paper who aren't familiar with organized stalking, keep in mind that the obvious answer to "Why would people harass targets who are nobodies?" . . . is that once lies are circulated that the target is a major criminal, that target is no longer a "nobody."

~ Read entire article by David Lawson

"Groups consider themselves to be investigators who are gathering information to be used to LAY CHARGES against the target. A typical police investigation lasts a few days. An investigation by private investigator may last a month and it may involve being followed around by two or three people. The 'investigators' conducted by extremist groups against individuals can last for decades and involve hundreds of 'investigators'. Some extremist leaders say that what they do is essentially what investigative journalists do, but they don't mention the harassment, break-ins, or property damage . . .  Groups of individuals who appear to be borderline retarded, mentally ill, or deluded into thinking that they are secret agents."

~ Found @: Dairy of a Gang Stalking Target