Wednesday, June 20, 2018

An Intelligent Techie? Or A Deceptive Disruptive Terrorist?

The stories and images of families being separated at the border are gut-wrenching. Urging our government to work together to find a better, more humane way that is reflective of our values as a nation.
1:16 PM - Jun 19, 2018

I find it disturbing as a CEO of a multinational company, who talks about moral compasses, you did not think about what individuals in El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, India  . . . . were dealing with, years ago. As a CEO you are to solve problems, before they arise to the level of a crisis. At least 50,000 illegals showed up in March, April and May, that is 150,000. It is June 2018 this has been a growing problem and all of a sudden you raise your political voice!

Sundar you were born in Madurai, India. India a country of utter poverty, but you reside in America. If your heart is for the downtrodden your skills and talents would be best used in India, El Salvador, Mexico, . . .  the like. India needs leaders, but you dissed them and chose America. Why? Instead of pointing the finger at President Trump, the finger belongs at you. What have you done for America, let alone India or any other country? Terrorize them behind their backs?

You have a net worth of a billion dollars. But seem to think others should hand over their hard earned money, at your command. What you should do is quit your job, sell your house, your belongings, pack your bags, and head to a country that needs your talents. You seem like a Mother Theresa prodigy and should be able to accomplish great things helping the poor around the world with your encompassing knowledge and ability to create money and hand it out.