Thursday, June 7, 2018

Words Instantly Punished, Murderers Go Free Everyday

We have become a society where the public can punish you immediately for your words, but such actions as rape, murder, terrorism, fraud, extortion, stealing, stalking, identity theft, intellectual property theft . . .  take months, years, decades, to punish.

- Free Speech is protected under the First Amendment

Rape, murder, terrorism, fraud, extortion, stealing . . . are crimes. Crimes that need punishment. If you are vocal about punishing words, but not actions, you don't believe in the real identity of rights. You like taking the job of a real judge, but don't want a real judge to take proper actions.

I know, innocent until proven guilty and these days, with the degradation on rights it is hard to prove a rapist, murderer, fraudster, identity theft, extortionist,  . . . are guilty. But boy if you call someone a bad name all hell breaks lose. Immediate punishment is handed out! ODD!

That is not a free society, not even a totalitarian society, but a society of individual dictators who are vicious about judging words, but negligent about judging actions. And I am talking about the infringement upon the rights of American citizens, protected under the constitution.