Friday, June 29, 2018

Stupidity: Thinking I Am Doing This For You, or Attention

If you really think I am into the greatest serial lying, incompetent, coward fuckfest and I am doing this for you or attention, you are stupid ass fuck. It is bizarre who the fuck you all think you are. You sure think you are the shit! I have enormous contempt for everyone in this fuck show.

Would rather be dead, than live one more day. Not because I hate myself but I hate all you liars, all you incompetent fuck, all you cowards. With great fucking HATE!

I am not a liberal, nor will I ever vote for a liberal ever fucking again, if I live. You lost that vote for life. If you still believe I am paying attention to symbols or anything, trust me I am well past the point of giving a fuck. I don't give a rats mother fucking ass about anything, but my own life.

- I am living like this for you? I hate your fuck!

You all can enjoy your life, while you knowingly let Alireza Fatemi and gang go on rampage after rampage slaughtering people everyday! That is your choice. You all going to celebrate the 4th of July with your friends and family while I live like this? Fuck you!

- You don't deserve freedom

I hate this country because of this fuck show, I hate it. If you really and truly believe I am sitting here waiting for any one of you fucks, watch. Keep thinking how rad you are, there is one person on this earth who don't think you are anything but shit fuck. Will never forgive ever.

I promise all involved in this fuck show, I am not doing this for those, who where utterly negligent about protecting their own affairs. I am not doing this for anyone, but me.

- I fucking hate you fucks, you are all so evil and stupid

Police officer Zak Martinez claims he knows nothing about this fuckfest and wonders why I have anger and outbursts. Zak said is this what you do for attention? Police officer Martinez who I am certain knows Alireza Fatemi, the guy who created this fuckfest!

- Look at the evil fucking way I have been living you mother fuckers

Everyone telling me I am crazy, and they all know about the fuckfest. Been living on the streets sleeping on the concrete, in the bushes, dirt, filth for how many fucking years. I walk 3 miles each way to work and get food. And I yell for attention. Be scared out of your fucking minds. 

Abdullah showed up at the box last night. Wonder how many times he has been at the box, since he called the cops on me. If I live I will look at the video of everyday since then and see how many days he was there. Or if someone informed him I was going to be there and he showed up. 

All these people swarming me at the box, wanting to engage me for the purpose of fucking with me. I don't sign up for a shower because they are ready to fuck with me when I do. Just like this morning when that white dude said he was going to take a shower and he signed up after me. Then when I said screw it, he did not take a shower either. White fucking nigger!

I don't even have a lawyer, while you run to the border and help those people! Fuck everyone of your fucks. You are the evil of the world, you are the one destroying America, you are the one destroying the good. You are! Negligence, incompetent, liars, cowards are destroying America!

You really serious think I am sitting here doing this for you, living like this while you enjoy your life. Death to you. A death threat to your fuck. A vicious and violent death threat to you. I HATE YOU! That hate will never ever go away. I hate the United States of America!

- I will never forgive you fucks ever. You don't deserve forgiveness. 

I don't give a fuck about America, not a fuck. I don't give a fuck about anyone, nor anything, not a fuck. I am not your sacrificial animal, nor your slave, nor your friend. Negligence runs rampant!
So does stupidity. Get real cause I don't give a fuck! May death and destruction ruin you!