Friday, June 15, 2018

Robust Walmart Superstores Now House Illegal Minors

"The cost of corruption in an economy does not consist solely, or primarily, of the bribes paid, the money stolen or the goods pilfered. These are all internal transfers, rather than being themselves net reductions of the country's income or wealth.

The main costs consist of the things not done:

  • The businesses that are not started
  • The investments that are not made
  • The loans that are not granted
Because the rate of return on such economic activities would have to be much higher to make such activities worthwhile in a very corrupt economy that in an economy in which the risks of being deprived of the fruits of one's efforts were much lower. . . ."

~ Thomas Sowell, Wealth, Poverty and Politics

"It is supposed to be terrible, for example, to call an illegal alien an 'illegal alien' or to call an Islamic terrorist an 'Islamic terrorist.' When the media refer to 'undocumented' workers or to violence committed by 'militants' who is kidding whom - and why?" ~ Thomas Sowell


"Brownsville, Tex. - In the loading docks, children sat in a darkened auditorium watching the animated movie "Moana."

Where there were once racks of clothes and aisles of appliances, there were now spotless dorm-style bedrooms with neatly made beds and Pokemon posters on the walls. The back parking lots were now makeshift soccer fields and volleyball courts. The McDonald's was now the cafeteria. All this made it difficult to visualize what the sprawling facility used to be - a former Walmart Supercenter

The converted retail store at the southern tip of Texas has become the largest licensed migrant shelter in the country - a warehouse for nearly 1,500 boys aged 10-17 who were caught illegally crossing the border."

~ Read entire article and see photos @: New York Times

"In May, the U.S. Border Patrol arrested 51,912 migrants, nearly three times the number detained during the same period last year.

The influx is largely driven by families and teenagers from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, many of whom claim to be fleeing gang violence. . . ."

~ Read entire article @: Valley Morning Star

* In my opinion it is time for good Mexicans and Spanish people to stand up and fight in your countries. It is time to fight for a new type of system, like the constitution. If you don't want to fight like many did that came to America, nothing will change when you show up here. You need to want change in your countries. That comes with the price of blood, lives and a big battle.

I find it odd you will stand up and fight in America, but not where you came from? Why? You want Americans to change for you, but you don't want those in the countries you came from, who you claim to be violent gang bangers to change? You have the balls to tell Americans they are not nice, they are mean! You left a violent country and claim the new country is also violent? But you stand up and fight in the new country, but not the original country. ODD really peculiar values!