Saturday, June 16, 2018

Did Donald Trump Force You To Fuck and Have Kids?

- Do you consciously chose to have kids, or is it just a crap shoot?
- If you do not consciously chose to have kids, why?
- If you do not consciously chose to have kids, whose fault is it, when you have them and cannot take care of them?
- How many kids do you have?
- Are they your kids?
- Did anyone force you to fuck another person and get pregnant?
- Did you chose to fuck another person and got pregnant?
- Why did you not use birth control?
- Why did you not blame the President of the country you left for child abuse?
- Why do you not blame the gang bangers you claim are violent and made you flee for child abuse?
- How in the living fucking hell is President Donald Trump responsible for you fucking and becoming pregnant? Tell me fucking how?
- You want to blame President Trump and not your fucking self for your lack of choice
- YOU, who made the choice to fuck and get pregnant, are the fucking child abuser(s)!